The EuroPol Project (Politics Revisited: Thinking Crudely) intends to tackle the identifiedand statistically-proven decline in political participation at a European level. Theincapacity of traditional political forums to involve and motivate people needs to beaddressed in order to avoid a situation when democratic institutions lose theirlegitimacy. The project aims to make politics attractive and interesting by producing aset of training materials (a combination of printed manual, DVD with video scenarios,and e-politics software) directed at adults (young and old).The materials will use a combination of traditional and modern teaching approaches inorder to respond to the learning styles of a variety of adults. Each one of the threetraining materials can be used independently, but they also form a complete package,supplementing each other. The end-users will be involved extensively in the developingof the materials through ex-ante market analysis, piloting, peer reviewing and formativeand summative assessment. The materials will be available in 9 languages and they willbe produced in a way that makes them user-friendly to deaf people (specifically peoplewho use Sign Language as their preferred language).It is expected that the materials will be used widely within adult education organisationsand as alternative/elective materials in secondary and tertiary education institutions. Inthe long run, it is expected that the materials will gradually increase levels of interest intraditional politics, and that they will be mainstreamed into formal education.
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