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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Participation in project will develop professional and language qualifications of participants. Achieving these goals will enable teachers to better fulfill professional responsibilities, which will result in improvement of work quality in school. Final result of project will be achieving most important aim for every school: preparing graduates who have wide knowledge, personal skills and competencies. Such project objectives are consistent with the objectives of Erasmus + Programme: - contribute to raising level of key competencies and skills to meet the needs of labor market; - contribute to improving foreign languages knowledge and to promote linguistic and cultural diversity in the EU; - expanding the international dimension of training and education. Project participants will be 14 teachers of general subjects employed in the ZS No. 3 RCKU in Łosice. The project will start with promotional and info campaign, which be followed by final recruitment of participants. Next, participants will take part in mobility preparatory classes. After competing preparation course, participants will leave to Umbria region in Italy, where they will take part in 6-day long course improving their professional qualifications. The course will involve series of lectures and workshops about: development of students key competences, support students, support students with low grades, developing skills other than professional, promoting principles of equality and support actions against all forms of discrimination, knowledge of European civilization community and training to participate in culture. After completing the course and receiving certificates confirming participation in mobility, participants will return to school, where they will submit their individual reports (in computer system) from the project and will take part in dissemination of project results. Throughout the project, participants and project workers will be involved in evaluation process. During project we will use methodology developed in other mobility projects of students from our secondary technical school, consisted of clear division of staffs responsibilities and principle of continuous headmaster supervision of all project activities. From the first stage (specifying goals of project) to the last (dissemination and closure of the project) documentation will be collected and project team will have clearly defined employees responsibilities. Main soft results: - increasing and broadening of participants professional skills; - improvement of foreign languages knowledge; - personal development of project participants; - overcoming cultural and moral barriers; - integration of school education staff Hard results: - Completing preparatory course by participants (described later in this application, in point. G.3) - Completing, during the mobility, course for increasing professional qualifications of participants (described further in point. H application); - Receiving by all project participants, course completing certificate, issued by the project partner; - Receiving by all project participants Europass Mobility documents; - Receiving by the project participants, certificates of English course, during preparation for mobility. During project material results will be created: - Photographs documenting stages of the project; - Presentations created by participants of project, about its progress and results; - Materials created during evaluation of project – useful in planning and implementation of new projects and creating of mobility plan for international cooperation. Project participants will share knowledge acquired during the mobility, with other teachers from our institution and from other schools in the district, and apply new skills to work in our school. This will contribute to raising standard of teaching in our school and other schools in the neighborhood. The school will gain experience in international cooperation, increase its prestige and popularity, which will improve recruitment. The project will show other schools in the district that it is worth to apply for Erasmus + subsidy: project contributes to improving teachers qualifications and to higher position of employing institution. Partner of project will develop skills useful in international business. Project workers will meet people from different culture, which improve their sensitivity to issues of intercultural dialogue. Also our students will benefit from the project. They will have teachers who gained knowledge acquired abroad, apply new, previously unknown teaching methods, are open to the world and ready to continuous improvement of qualifications.
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1 Partners Participants