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Podniesienie poziomu jakości kształcenia i zwiększenie mobilności międzynarodowej w ZSP3 w Krośnie
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project ‘ Raising the educational quality and reinforcing the international mobility in ZSP 3 in Krosno’ was elaborated within the context of the fulfillement of the School Development Plan. The objectives of the Project:- improving the teachers’ language competence- improving the methods and organization in the teaching and learning process- introducing English language to vocational subjects- preparing the staff for the fulfillement of the second stage of the School Development Plan connected with the learners mobility.The participants of this Project are ten teachers of vocational education and the classes strictly connected with the vocational education.The mobility is divided into two parts:1) raising the English language competence2) gaining the knowledge as well as the experience of conducting the classes with the use of English languageThe potential outcomes of the Project:- raising the English language competence of ten ZSP 3 teachers (getting the certificates of the training accomplishement)- improving the competence of the teaching methods of ten ZSP 3 teachers (getting the certificates of the training accomplishement)- preparing ten lesson plans introducing English into the vocational education- conducting ten ‘open’ lessons for the rest of ZSP 3 teachersThanks to gained knowledge and experience, it is designed to introduce the elements of English into the teaching programmes of particular vocational subjects. As far as the long term advantages are concerned, the experience and international cooperation will give the opportunity to carry on the activities undertaken in the project of ZSP 3 learners’ and teacher's mobility.
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