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Podniesienie kompetencji metodycznych i językowych nauczycieli języków obcych i nauczycieli przedszkola jako droga rozwoju umiejętności komunikacyjnych dzieci w wieku od 3 do 5 lat w przedszkolu o profilu językowym
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Independent Nursery School “David” is attended by children aged 3, 4 and 5 years of age. We pay particular care to the development of communication skills during the process of teaching. Careful attention is given to the shaping of attitudes towards other people - openness, respect, tolerance, especially for people at risk of exclusion in our country - ethnic, religious and racial minorities. In addition, from an early age we prepare children to communicate in different languages. For this reason, our nursery specializes in language and art. Our pupils learn English and French through play and they are about to start learning German in the coming days, and starting from the new school year - Spanish. We are guided by the conviction that providing children with the appropriate language stimulation helps them learn foreign languages later in life. As a nursery with a language and artistic profile we want to teach foreign languages in a modern way and compatible with the latest methodological guidelines. Some of the teachers in our nursery are graduates not only of pedagogical departments, but also foreign philology - English, French and German departments. Other educators are fluent in English. For our nursery and our pupils to develop, it is necessary for the teachers to continuously improve their skills in both methodology and language. As part of international education mobility we would like to send foreign languages teachers to a methodology course in French, English and German, as well as two nursery teachers to a language course (English and Spanish). We would like to increase the skills and qualifications of the educators through their participation in such a project, and to introduce new teaching tools and methods. Our desire is also to develop our own copyrighted foreign language teaching programs in: English, French and German, and in the future also Spanish, tailored to the level of three, four and five year olds. The plan for the strategic development of our nursery includes the maintenance of our linguistic and artistic profile as well as the continuous improvement of our educational offer, also by the use of the eTwinning platform as a means of development for both our staff and our pupils. The expected results from and impact of the project include improvement in the methodological competence of foreign language teachers, the improvement in language competence of our nursery teachers and, in addition, the overall increase of the efficiency of our work with nursery school children. The impact of the project on the applying institution is in the improvement of the teaching offer for our pupils; the development of our own copyright methodology of teaching foreign languages in groups of three, four and five year olds; shaping attitudes of respect, tolerance, support, and the prevention of exclusion; the development of language skills in our children; the benefits of eTwinning - the possibility of continuous training of personnel, the possibility of innovative and transnational education for our pupils and the opportunity to shape their pro-European attitudes. Long-term benefits include the optimal preparation of children for future systematic study of foreign languages, the instillation of attitudes of openness, respect and tolerance, and an upbringing which includes the understanding and feeling of being a member of the European Community.
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