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Podniesienie kompetencji językowych nauczycieli praktycznej nauki zawodu
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Four participants took part in the project – the head teacher Ewa Ankiewicz-Jasińska and professional teachers - Ewa Peszyńska, Anna Jasińska and Agnieszka Hejmann. The aim of the project was to improve the participants’ qualifications and foreign language level. The School’s Development Strategy for years 2014-2020 covers teaching some of the vocational subjects in English language. This concerns IT technician and aviation technician/mechanic professions. Teachers taking part in the Mobility familiarized themselves with teaching methodology of other countries to implement the knowledge in their classrooms. The classes motivate students to work. The project has a positive influence on the school’s development. The teacher’s development has also very positive impact on students, because encourages them to work. What is more, the external examinations results in IT technician and aviation technician/mechanic professions will improve. The pre-departure meetings were organized in order to exchange experience among the teachers taking part in the Mobility. Students completed a questionnaire to find out what they like and what they dislike about the classes. There was also an entry questionnaire among the Mobility participants. Teachers made suggestions about potential improvements in their colleagues’ work, thinking about strong and weak points of one another’s teaching. They gathered information about English culture and customs. Each participant practised English language by learning in the language schools, taking a couple of friendly, free lessons from ESL teachers, and they learnt at home using the BBC on-line lessons. From 19th July to 2nd September 2015, the participants were in The United Kingdom, in London. They participated in lectures, work practice and workshop in the International House London Language School. They familiarized themselves with the methods of work in other countries, exchanged experience, improved English language level and made new acquaintances and friendships that will last even after their return. During the stay in the UK participants of the Mobility kept a Mobility journal on Facebook website, posted information on social media like Facebook, Twitter and school’s website - Partial evaluation of the project was carried out. After returning to Poland, a training for other teachers was organised. Meetings, seminars and exemplary lessons were conducted for teachers from our voivodeship. The final evaluation of the project will be carried out. The data from the evaluation will be presented at the staff meeting in January 2016. Conclusions will be implemented in the School Development Strategy. Thanks to this course and the trip, the Mobility participants are be able to make good use of their knowledge. The project’s results: 1. Raising methodological and language competence of teachers participating in the project. 2. Raising the level of external professional examinations pass rates for IT technician and aviation technician/mechanic professions – long term results. 3. The school will enrich its educational offer. 4. Cooperation of teachers with other schools in Europe will enhance the status of the school in the region, the voivodeship and in Poland - long-term results. 5. Teachers will feel the need of “Lifelong Learning” 6. The School Development Strategy will be modified based on the conclusions from the Mobility.
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