Search for European Projects

Podniesienie kompetencji językowych kadry pedagogicznej
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The European Union created big possibilities in the area of improving education funding. Thanks to the European fund, schools which are taking part in projects, are improving their educational facilities and have a chance to train teachers in European Centers. They are allowing their students for a multicultural progress, which leads to coping in the UE without limits. We as an educational institution wanted to take up this offer. The accession to this project aimed to: • improving the language skills of teachers to expand cooperation with the special school in Koblenz, Germany • discovering new, activating teaching methods and its application in their work • developing of European area of school through international trainings and cooperation with partner school • exchanging of experience and searching of innovate solutions, in preparation for functioning of students with intellectual disabilities in modern world, in cooperation with the school functioning in another European system Following people took part in this project: a geography teacher, two art teachers and a German teacher. These teachers were involved in the cooperation with a partner school in Germany. With students they were performing spectacular artistic works, which were sent to Germany. We received works of German students, so that we could get to know their culture and traditions. It was not sufficient to contact with the teacher from Germany only by our German teacher. It limited a direct contact of interested people from both sides. That is why it was necessary to improve the language skills of our teachers of languages, who communicated at the A1 level. For these teachers, apart from improving their languages skills, it was a possibility to exchange experiences and learn about new trends in language teaching. After completing the training we want to expand cooperation with the partner school for the exchange of staff, organization of joint projects (joint competitions, presentation of artistic exhibitions, holiday fairs). We have already started a collective project, which gathers all the teachers taking part in the training. Perhaps in the future it can lead to mobility of young people. Preparation for participation in the project was carried out according to a fixed plan: - Acquainting teachers with the Erasmus Plus-action A1 - Elaboration of the European Development Plan for the institution - The appointment of a coordinator in the school area - Recruitment of teachers - Filling in the application formula - Contact with the organizer - Participation in training - Preparation of the final report - Evaluation and spreading of training effects Participation in this project was a huge challenge for our institution. Only one teacher from our school participated in the European training connected with the mobility of teachers, so we did not have an experience in this regard. However, we were aware of the enormous benefits that our institution can gain by participating in this program. Thanks to the UE projects we have improved the educational conditions in our school. We know that we have to take other steps, so we wanted to start with improving the language skills of our teachers. Inability to communicate is a barrier, which limits all international projects. The group of teachers, who expressed the desire of taking part in this venture, are responsible for encouraging other teachers to undertake similar initiatives, dispelling fears. They will break down the barriers, which limit the performance of many teachers, and they will present new possibilities of professional and personal development. To achive this goal there were organized meetings with all the teachers from our school and teachers from other schools which are active in our local environment. In the same time we disseminated information about the project and its results in the media (a school website and local newspapers). Main results: 1. Art and geography teachers improved their German language skills, because of that they are able to take part in international projects. 2. A German teacher enriched her methodical knowledge in teaching German, as a foreign language, so it will enrich the classes with new and interesting methodological solutions. 3. A geography teacher, thanks to increasing her linguistic competence, will apply the German language (geographical names) during the geography classes and will enrich them in with the information about German culture, which was also obtained during the training. Thanks to participating in this project our institution is able to provide a better ediucational offer for our students and the teachers became more crative, motivated and ready to take up new challenges.

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