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Podejmowanie działalności gospodarczej przez absolwentów Zespołu Szkół Centrum Kształcenia Rolniczego w Mieczysławowie na obszarach wiejskich
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was implemented by the Team of Schools of the Centre of the Agricultural Education for them. of Maciej Rataja in Mieczysławow. The German partners were the training centers : Deule Nienburg and ILLUT Bonn - Berlin. The internship was attended by two groups of eighteen students of technical school studying the following professions : Group I - farmer technician , agribusiness technician, Group II -landscape architecture technicians . All participants in the project (depending on the group) had known the theoretical basis of the Livestock and plant production, of the architectural design, of implementation and maintance of landscaping, and they had knowledge of the ornamental plants. The participants of particular groups in the project were interested in all areas related to their professions. Gaining by the participants the following theoretical and practical skills was the goal of the project : Group I - preparation and methods of use of biomass in plant production and biogas plants . This group of young people knew the possibilities of using the solar energy plant production. Group II – this group was interested in ways of preparing of the area for active recreation in the rural areas in Germany , and was considering how to transfer these experiences to in their own homeland. Moreover, the students, the participants from each group had the opportunity to learn and work the most modern agricultural equipment, that was used in a landscape architecture’s work care. The project’s participants had also the opportunity to participate in a practical training in German agricultural farms, places of active recreation. The acquisition of practical skills in handling the agricultural equipment, in preparing areas of active recreation and learning methods of preparation of biomass and its practical use, allowed the project’s participants to gain the practical professional skills and to improve their professional qualifications. The acquired skills and experience will help the young people to start their career after graduation, or they will be a spur to further education in higher agricultural schools. The participation in the project contributed also to a personal development of students, motivated them to further education and influenced the development of assertiveness and communication skill, thereby increasing their activity and competitiveness on the labor market. In addition to the tangible benefits of participation in the project, the students learned about the culture and customs of other nationalities. The trip affected the integration of the group, strengthened its sensitivity and religious and cultural tolerance. It should be emphasized, that the opportunity to go abroad for an internship in a training center in Germany has motivated the students of the Maciej Rataj Secondary School - Agricultural Training Centre in Mieczysławów to learn, especially foreign languages, including German. One of the conditions for the participating in an internship, besides the professional interests, was getting the good learning results . For most students this was the only opportunity to go abroad. Trainees had been trained by the specialized staff from the training centers, as well as by experienced farmers producing biomass and by workers, who are specialists in preparation and maintenance of areas of active recreation. The whole project was supervised and coordinated by Danuta Krawczyk - Director of the Maciej Rataj Secondary School - Agricultural Training Centre in Mieczysławów. The School will also settle the financial settlement of the project. The project was implemented in the school year 2014/2015 and on the beginning of the school year2015/2016. The internship carried out in September 2015 in ILLUT Berlin-Bonn and in October 2015 in DELUA Nienburg.
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