po - RI - look
Start date: May 6, 2013,
po-RI-look je inicijativa mladih volontera i članova Centra tehničke kulture Rijeka. Kroz godinu dana, mladi će provoditi aktivnosti kojima će povijest svog grada približiti njegovim stanovnicima, a naročito onim najmlađima te raditi na očuvanju i promociji bogate europske prošlosti grada Rijeke i okolice. U sklopu inicijative, mladi će organizirati posjete kulturno-povijesnim lokalitetima i tematska predavanja namijenjena za sve zaintersirane. Sami mladi uključeni u inicijativu pripremiti će se za vodstvo na lokalitetima uz povremenu stručnu pomoć. O svim aktivnostima izvještavati će na internetu, u sklopu web stranica CTK. Kako je Rijeka multikulturalan grad, reportaže će se objavljivati na stranim jezicima, što će pridonijeti upoznavanju šire publike s riječkom povijesti. Po završetku inicijative, sve reportaže i materijali objediniti će se u tiskanom obliku. po-RI-look is the initiative of the members and volunteers of Center of Technical Culture Rijeka. In the period of one year, young people will carry out activities with the aim to bring the history of Rijeka closer to the people who live there, as well as to work on preservation and promotion of the rich European history of the town and its surrounding areas. As a part of the initiative, young people will arrange visits to cultural and historical locations of the town, as well as organize thematic lectures for the public. Young people included in the initiative will prepare guided tours around town with the occasional expert assistance. Reports covering all activities will be published on the web page of CTC. Given the multiculturality of Rijeka, reports will be written in foreign languages, which will contribute to the introduction of the town's history to the wider public. At the end of the initiative, all reports and materials will be integrated in printed form.