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Start date: Jun 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is part of a wider process of education promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research through the National Plan for Digital School, which provides a series of specific actions that also include the training of some System figures formally defined in Italian schools, that can accompany and disseminate innovative practices in learning /teaching processes by the innovative Information and Communication Technologie.The aims of the project are essentially the following:1. the in-service training of a new professional figure within Italian schools, nationally defined as "Animatore Digitale", in terms of design, skills and knowledge in areas related to their specific profile assigned by the National Digital School;2. increasing the quality of teacher training through a deep comprehension of in-service training experience in different education systems 3. increasing teaching staff mobility and the internationalization of Italian schools by sharing professional resources and good practices in the educational community of the European Union. The participants are part of a much larger group of teachers identified in their school as “Animatori Digitali”. They teach different disciplines, but they all have the basic knowledge and skills in the field of Information and Communication Technologies.The training activities which participants will carry out in mobility include two specific actions: participation in structured courses and also in activities of job shadowing at the schools contacted. After a preparatory phase, in which it will be given to the participants will obtain useful information and practical tools to take the maximum benefit from training actions in mobility, the working group of the Consortium will support teachers by making available a regional platform especially created for the Regional Training of "Animatori Digitali", the platform eTwinning where already a regional group operates, and a whole range of actions of performance monitoring, designed to correct any problems in the practical organization of the mobility. Through the structured ICT courses and job shadowing, teachers will develop their ability to integrate and daily use digital tools and multimedia for a modern education, and will implement innovative paths already in place at their schools; moreover, they will share methodologies and teaching strategies with their European colleagues, enriching not only their professional abilities and skills, but also the know-how of their Italian colleagues with whom they will share the competences and experiences achieved, as well as the learning outcomes of their students, families and the territory in which they operate. The training activities in Europe will improve their level of intercultural awareness and will promote a deep reflection on the importance of the strategic role that will play in their schools, in order to work for the modernization of the whole Italian school system.The contribute that the project will provide to the development of ICT in education and teaching will extend, through different planned measures of dissemination of learning outcomes, from the participants to their schools and, by them, throughout the national territory, improving the quality of the whole Education System.

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