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Plurilingüismo, educación e integración europea.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The IES Murillo community would like to apply for a K1 action within the Erasmus+ Framework basing their petition on the following grounds. The leadership team, taking into account the school overall programme, has regarded the improvement of the school teaching practices as a priority. To achieve this, the team and members of staff should get familiar with good teaching practices in other European countries with high teaching standards. As IES Murillo is a bilingual school as far as secondary education is concerned, we would like to include Art and Drama Baccalaureate and vocational training courses, such as tourism, in the bilingual programme. Consequently CLIL teachers would need to improve their oral skills in countries where the language (English in our case) is spoken. Participants, ten applicants out of eighty members of staff, are teachers and members of the leadership team who have been working on these issues for many years, who are interested in educational innovation and are willing and able to transmit their experiences and knowledge to the rest of the educational community. Activities will include the use of a training course (CLIL) in the UK and the job-shadowing mobilities of members of the management team and teachers from different educational departments. For instance, visits to Teacher Training Centers in the area, participation in programmed activities by the hosting centers would be provided (Open Evening, Welcoming Day, etc). The methodology is based on the formation of teams to develop questionnaires, agendas and objectives of the selected topics, Multilingualism, Education and Integration in Europe, allowing to maximize focus and activities in each of the actions. This methodology will be inserted into the Core School Plan and must be reflected whilst implemented good practice to help improve current levels. The ultimate aim is, among others, to refine the objectives of the final evaluation report of the center. The benefits will ultimately be related to the objectives: improving bilingual education, decreased absenteeism, integration of immigrants, sensitivity to our European environment and improving academic outcomes.
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5 Partners Participants