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Plasamentele transnaţionale – plus de valoare în formarea elevilor VET
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ,,Transnational Placements - added value for VET learners training ? was proposed by the VET Vest+ Educational Consortium, an interregional consortium constituted by the LTTA Arie?eni as a coordinator of the consortium together with two other schools belonging to different regions: ?Ioan Ciordas? Technical College from Beius and ?Grigore Moisil? Technological High School from Deva . Our foreign partner was Associacao para a Formacao Profisisonal e Desenvolvimento de Montijo, a professional association constituted within the Escola Profesional de Montijo, as the host organization. EPM-AFPDM has signed partnership agreements with four restaurants as pre-service training organizations. The general aims of this project were to develop students? competences for a better transition towards the labour market through transnational mobilities and to consolidate the relationships between Romanian VET organizations in our country and foreign economic agents. The project was created for students in the first stage of professional training in VET schools, a number of 57 students in the 10th grade, most of them from rural areas, belonging to social groups with fewer opportunities, groups strongly affected by the economic crises. These students are trained in the technological domain, having a specific profile in the services domain, the prequalification of ?gastronomy technician?. Up to this project, they have acquired general knowledge and basic skills that allow them to perform simple tasks, under direct supervision, in an organized context. The 57 students involved in this project will cover through a transnational mobility all the 90 hours of the CDL module:,,Increased competences in the activities of preparing and serving meals and drinks?,module applied by all three schools to improve their professional skills. The specific aims of this project were: -The development of key competences up to a level that will prepare the students for the active life and encourage them to continue their studies to obtain higher qualification levels. -The improvement and practicing of specific skills in the training field through professional activities in an European framework-Portugal-in order to facilitate the transition from school to work and the students? labour market insertion -The accumulation of linguistic and cultural competences in a different environment, practicing the profession for which they are trained in a genuine context and acquiring digital competences through individual reporting activities -The development of sustainable partnerships between educational institutions, professional associations and restaurants from another country that can provide opportunities for new mobilities in order to instruct the trainees of the educational institutions, members of the VET Vest+ Consortium. The main activities of this project were: - students training activities in the workplace - assessment activities of the learning outcomes units acquired by the participant -self-assessment activities which can appraise their level of training in relation to the demands of a job The training activities were carried out in restaurants under the guidance of the internship tutor. During this type of activities, the trainees collaborated with the members of the team in order to accomplish their tasks related to establishing the necessary of raw materials according to the recipes, obtaining simple meals or precooked food, adjusting the mise-en-place for different types of meals, meeting and welcoming the guests, applying the protocol rules. The initial and final assessment activities were carried out by the placement tutor from the EPM-AFPDM.Continuous assessment was performed by the internship tutor at the restaurant. The project relies on a methodology according to OMECT 4931/2008 and the Erasmus+ program; the students will follow the training internship of the Romanian curriculum within a transnational mobility. The training results were evaluated, validated abroad and recognized in the home country by virtue of the Europass Mobility Document. Project outcome: - 57 students with good professional, multilingual,cultural and digital skills who know how to work on a team and who will achieve a good transition from school to work - Improving the quality of training services provided by schools - Strengthening the transnational relationship between organizations The impact is the decrease of the absenteeism and of early school leaving, the improvement of the insertion degree on the labour market and the capacity of schools to operate international agreements. The long term benefit is the additional value of the school?s educational offer, the capacity to ensure the sustainability in the community and in this particular geografic area.
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