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Plant Operators T.H.W: New abilities acquisition: Toxic and hazardous waste treatment plant operator

´Plant Operators T.H.W´ will address the need for the design and creation of new professional profiles and training itineraries for Chemical Industry Operators. This project tackles the need of the chemical industry in the Mediterranean and eastern Europe regions for qualified personnel to assist in complying with the new environmental protection requirements arising from the change in the regulation for management and treatment of toxic and hazardous waste products. At present, the training capacity and number of professionals able to design and fulfil total treatment of these waste products are insufficient. The project partners will first gather and analyse all the material available on toxic and hazardous waste in the partners' Member States, and will then create a methodology to evaluate training needs. The result of this project will be a specialised training programme for plant operators for the treatment of toxic and hazardous waste, in close co-operation with industry. The resulting materials will be available on a multilingual CD-ROM, and in printed form. In order to assure the desired impact of the project, representatives of the chemical industry will be contacted during the development of the project. When the project is finished, a presentation of the project is planned in all the partner countries, with the participation of companies belonging to this area, social agents, chambers of commerce.
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4 Partners Participants