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Planned Chaos - Art and Music in the Public Space
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Structured Dialogue "PLANNED CHAOS" revolves around the question, to what extent the wild growth of youth cultures - especially in the form of spontaneous events in public space - which shape the identities of Berlin and many other cities must necessarily be met with strict planning and prohibitions or to what extent the "chaos" of youth cultures must be regarded as a fact that should be taken IN to the planning of modern public space. The target of "PLANNED CHAOS", thus, is to negotiate a new framework for arts and music in the public space through dialogue between young cultural agents and local decision-makers, in order to better promote the creative potential of young people and at the same time meet existing conflicts. This new framework will be finally defined in an Action Plan for Berlin. The Action Plan, on the one hand, aims at making a change in Berlin and, at the other hand, serve other European cities and their youth movements as a best practice example and source of inspiration. With this project we want to address in particular young, little professionalized cultural agents from Berlin and other European cities and bring them together. Overall, a total of approx. 150 young people shall be included in a dialogue stretched over 8 months and four different project activities. They will discuss their needs and ideas with a broad network of approx. 30 experts and decision-makers from politics, administration, law and business. The Structured Dialogue "PLANNED CHAOS" includes four activities. 1. Round Tables 2.0: Based on a series of round tables in the last year, young event-planners meet with decision-makers and discuss their experiences, problems, wishes and ideas. The meetings will be structured by keynote speeches from experts. The aim of the Round Tables 2.0 is to define within 5 sessions the fundamental pillars of a joint Action Plan (4) of all shareholders. 2. Workshop for Event-Planners: In two workshops, we sensitize young event-planners for current problems, clarify their legal leeway, give practical advices and qualify them as competent cultural agents. In addition, the workshops are a further platform for dialogue, involving all the stakeholders and integrating the results of the Round Tables 2.0. 3. Artistic Research: theoretically discussed issues of the Round Tables 2.0 are verified concretely through artistic interventions in public space. Five different event groups from different European cities come together in Berlin for one week and carry out actions designed to specific questions, discuss their experiences and document their research in the form of exciting videos that will be published online and become available worldwide. 4. Action Plan "Planned Chaos": Based on the results of all previous activities, an action plan is written that defines binding steps of action for young people as well as for politicians, administrative staff and other stakeholders with the aim to create more liberty in the public space and, at the same time, to ensure sustainability. The action plan will be presented during a dinner party on a young arts collective's self-built ship. In addition to the Action Plan for Berlin, we strive to set up a European network of youth movements in music and culture in the public space, as well as to create multimedia information and documentation material - a kind of handbook - of best practice examples, as inspiration and orientation for dialogue initiatives in other European cities. On a general level, we pursue with all these practical results an increased mutual understanding between young people and decision-makers, a greater willingness for dialogue and enhanced cooperation, so that the voice of young people in Europe becomes more involved in shaping our society. With the targeted conceptual and practical results of the Structured Dialogue "PLANNED CHAOS" we strive for long-term and sustainable development. With the implementation of the action plan we want to create a new, long-lasting framework for youth culture in Berlin, promote with our example the organization of youth initiatives in the cultural sector in Europe and act far beyond the project's spatial and temporal limits by disemminating our information and documentation material on the Internet and creating new networks and partnerships. We are convinced that through our work, youth and politics will once again grow closer together!

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