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PLAN DE INTERNACIONALIZACIÓN IES ALBAL: Opening our school to Europe and the world.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is a staff mobility Project designed for a group of teachers at IES Albal (secondary and professional training school located in the Valencian Community); (900 students- 85 teachers). In the school year 2009)/10 we started a multilingual programme Programme, in which 30% of the students take part; and different programs to attention to diversity (Curricular Diversification Programme: students with special needs, After-School Tutoring. ‘Exit’ Programme) which allow us to take care of the different necessities which the students of our school have. The vast majority of them come mainly from a middle-low socio-economic and cultural background. The school presents a number of necessities that could be summarised as follows: the necessity of increasing our students’ academic training level, the reduction of the academic failure rate and the improvement of the results; the necessity of increasing English and French linguistic competence among teachers and their knowledge of CLIL and innovative methodologies, and the necessity of achieving new methodologies for foreign language teachers, which make language learning more motivating for our students; the necessity of increasing digital competence among teachers and the necessity of managing, directing and organising the school and the school environment in the most efficient way. Considering these needs and the teachers’ willingness to take part in a KA1 project, we designed a number of training activities which we consider could contribute to the acquisition, on the part our teachers, of different competences which would allow to introduce several changes in our school which would lead to get possible benefit in the long run. Basically, the activities consisted in: - Job shadowing activities: a) Attention to diversity programmes which will assist us in designing new programmes and will contribute to the improvement of our results. This implies the knowledge of innovative methodologies related to this kind of programmes. b) CLIL Methodology and methodologies related to foreign language learning. We are interested in knowing patterns to follow both in foreign language learning and content learning in a foreign, mainly English, language. c) School managing and organisation systems which turn out to be innovative, efficient and suitable for our educational system. Acquisition of more independent and efficient managing patterns. - Training activities (language courses) for foreign languages learning. We attended foreign language courses, mainly English and in some cases French to be able to increase the number of teachers who have B2 Language competence level and its subsequent teacher training degree. - Teacher training (language courses) for foreign language teachers who want to improve their competence and get to know more innovative and creative methodologies. - Training activities aimed to the managing staff so that they can know new techniques and new school managing patterns. - Training activities (CLIL) The group of teachers who took part in this project (15 teachers, around 25% of the staff) has formed, coordinated by the responsible of this project and the European Projects Coordinator, a project managing group who has organized the activities and processed its evolution. The result and impact that we are achieving in our school are important and we hope to improve teachers’ competences (curricular and methodological competence, competence to attention to diversity, competence to use new technologies and competence to work in teams and take part in the school managing, competence to know how to be a teacher and guarantee success, and competence to manage our own work and take improvement measures). We also aim to set cooperative working paths with our Finish school partner which will allows us to continue working together, and also get a higher internationalization of our centre and an improvement our students and families’ cultural level. In the second year of our project and we hope it will continue in the following years, the participant teachers' linguistic competence has increased and consequently our students' too. Teachers, not only the ones who have actively taken part in the project but those who have been informed by their colleagues, have adopted new motivating methodologies (CLIL, IT etc.) which reach a higher impact on our students. We have set new methodologies to attend special needs which we hope will allow us meet our students' needs and reduce school failure and we are implementing new ways of organizing and managing our school in a more efficient way and get to improve school results.
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