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Più Europa a scuola
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A survey for the detection of the training needs of the teachers has shown that the school needs radical teacher training action aimed at triggering meaningful curricular changes and school innovation. The analysis of the survey results indicates that the teacher training areas that need most urgent intervention are three: 1. English language competence improvement aimed at the subsequent introduction of Clil methodology 2. teaching methodology with a focus on educational technology; 3. development of intercultural competences for school internationalization. The specific aims of the project are therefore acquisition of English language competences, promotion of a digital school and a more competent professional environment in relation to the development of teaching strategies based on ICT, school internationalization, attainment of European English language certifications. Three areas of teacher training interest have been identified:1. Acquisition and development of English language competences for NLD teachers for the subsequent introduction of CLIL in the school curriculum;2. Acquisition of digital competences and implementation of educational technology in the classroom according to the regulations of the Piano Nazionale Scuola Digitale in Italy through structured training activities and job shadowing at partner schools that have been implementing ICT successfully. 3. Digital training of the ICT coordinator (animatore digitale) in order to integrate the training done in Italy with training abroad. The project, which has a two year duration, includes the following training events: Participation to B1 and B2 English language courses followed by the achievement of Cambridge Esol Pet and First Certifications.Participation to job shadowing activities focused on the use of educational technology in the identified schools. Participation to teacher training courses focused on the use of ICT for the facilitation of the learning processes of all students, in particular of those with difficult situations of diverse kind.Pre and post mobility activities will be provided for. The project will involve 21 partecipants: ten teachers of subjects other than English for the language training; four teachers of different subjects for the job shadowing activities; six teachers of different subjects, at least two of whom will be English language teachers, for the methodological training; one teacher in charge of the role of “animatore digitale” (ICT coordinator). The English language training will be carried out at two teacher training centres in the UK in the first year of the project. The schools have been identified through the School Education Gateway platform. The job shadowing activities will be carried out at two partner schools in Ireland and in Estonia in the second year of the project. The methodological/ICT training will be carried out at centres identified through the School Education Gateway platform in the second year of the project too. The teacher training centres are located in Finland, Denmark, Norway and the UK. The choice to carry out this type of teacher training activities in those countries is justified by the fact that Northern European countries have been successfully using ICT at schools for years and ICT is one key element of their educational policies. The positive course of the project will be ensured by the constant cooperation with the partners, the sharing and evaluation of the training experiences, the preparation of learning and training agreements between the participating organizations, the evaluation of the impact and dissemination of results through different means. In the short run the project will produce the following outcomes in the participants: development of English language competences and acquisition of English language certifications, achievement of professional, digital, and intercultural competences which will be immediately put to use in the classroom to boost the students' motivation; in the middle and long run the reflection on the training experiences and the comparison with the other European realities will result in the ability to trigger meaningful changes and remarkable curricular innovations in the school and its territory. The dissemination of the project will be accomplished exploiting all possible means and will accompany the project throughout; it will be constantly aimed at spreading the experiences and exploiting the results both inside and outside the school. The project itself and its outcomes will be the content of two ebooks for the benefit of every person or relevant stakeholders who might be directly and indirectly interested in it. Moreover the evaluation will be constant from the beginning to the end of the project, and partly after the end itself, to verify project management is being performed according to the highest quality standards and to measure project sustainability and goal achievement in the short/long run.
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2 Partners Participants