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PISA - analyzing PISA results
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There are 78 students, 32 pre-school pupils and 20 teachers at Grundzale Basic School in School Year 2014/2015. As we are the school at countryside there are some advantages- family-oriented surrounding where every teacher knows the strong and weak positions of school children, the personalities are made realizing the importance of native place and everybody develops their talents. Grundzale Basic School has always worked with talented pupils, especially at Science and Maths subjects where pupils always have got good results at the regional competitions. There is the special Educational Curriculum since 2010 and the teachers are competent to work with these pupils. It`s always important to feel as the part of Europa for our school, taking part now Comenius partnership programs now courses at foreign countries are included at Life long Learning education. Grundzale Basic school took part at „PISA” research and the results are considered: 29th place among 215 schools. The result is higher than the average in our country (between 90th and 9st school) and among OECD countries (86th and 87th school). One of the main aims is to raise results and to become the one of the best rural schools in Vidzeme. Our methodologist of education Dace Kalnina will attend the courses „PISA Study visit: where are we on our way, Eirope? Analysing PISA results seminar week” organized by Edukarjala institute. The methodologist of education has to get to know the newest tendencies at education and has to be the pattern how to introduce these at school work.The knowledge and skills of Dace Kalnina are appropriate because she has been the coordinator of Comenius partnership ( 2007.-2009) , she has got the suitable education and she always wants to get something new and share her knowledge with others not only at her school but at regional schools, too. She is also active at School Counsil. Attending these courses „PISA”, the education of Finland will be become to know, and the school system of Latvia will be presented. On the second day, listening to the general results of PISA and analysing the level of education in different countries at conversations, will be able to get the conception about the advantages of our school and the spheres which are developed. On the third day, listening to the deepest PISA describing of Easten Finland University and working practically in the groups, will be get the skills of realising the ideas. On the fourth day, comparing the different ways how to work with talanted pupils and pupils with special needs, will be get the conception about the best way how to work with different pupils. On the fifth day, sketching the educational possibilities in future, the new ideas will be become which are usefull for future to get to know what is more important - skills or knowledge. After these courses in Finland Dace Kalnina will have the complete notion why the education of Finland is the best in the world and motivation to change the educational process and the skills of school management will be improved. The other teachers will have the possibility to know the experience and knowledges at the special methodical days and the main knowledges and skills after these courses will be presented at Smiltene region, too. That will be the oportunity for Grundzale Basic School to be one of the best rural schools in Vidzeme.

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