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PIKC "Ventspils Tehnikums" pedagogu profesionālā pilnveide
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Ventspils Vocational School has obtained vocational competence centre status in 2011, which means there shall be a permanent training of personnel and infrastructure. Each year the performance of personnel is evaluated by identifying the required skills/knowledge that they need to improve. Within this Erasmus+ project 7 teachers (teaching general school subjects) from Ventspils Vocational School shall attend the courses. The courses shall be attended by teachers teaching economics / business economy, IT, English, and Math teachers, as well as individuals from school administration. Although teachers are highly qualified and experienced, they need to improve their foreign language skills, skills to apply interactive learning tools and innovative teaching methods as well as improve digital literacy. To encourage schools for greater involvement in international projects and provide more and better quality of their implementation, it is necessary to improve project management skills. In addition, taking into account the growing number of students in Ventspils Vocational School, it is intended that there will be raising demand for extension of the international cooperation options, and thus there is a need for skilled teachers able to bring such projects forward. In order to introduce improvements in the learning process, it is necessary to improve knowledge about the subject and introduce innovative teaching methods and encourage young people to participate in various activities that contribute to their personal development. The development of staff and students contributes to the overall performance of the educational institution, and to the increase of prestige of vocational educational institutions. The identified major weaknesses of the teachers: - Poor knowledge of foreign languages ; - Lack of digital literacy and / or use of current ICT technologies and methods in the learning process; - Insufficient knowledge of project management; - There is room for improvement of teaching methods (training equipment / methods / learning content and sequence). In order to promote the internationalization of educational institutions and strengthen the European dimension, there is the need to improve project management skills (preparation and implementation of EU co-funded projects) and cross-cultural skills. To increase the capacity of educational institutions as regards European Union and other foreign financial instruments, the foreign language, cross-cultural, digital and project management skills of the personnel shall be improved. The long term goal of Ventspils Vocational School is to involve as many students in the activities by providing them with a better understanding of the work environment and culture, but this is only possible while developing the skills of teachers, who as "adults" and "educators" are responsible for the students' development. In addition, by increasing teachers' skills, the quality of teaching and learning at schools is improved.

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