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Piezoelektrik ve İleri teknoloji Ürünü Sensör-Transdüserler
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project is a part of the activities beginning approximately 1 year before this application and carried out by three institutions that constitute the consortium. The main aim of these activities and meetings is to develop electric-electronic sector of Turkey with long-term activities. All the three members of consortium have worked together to examine the Erasmus+ Programme, to determine the main topic of training, to determine the partner European institutions and to design all the detailed plans of this project. Boyabat Teknik ve Endüstri Meslek Lisesi is selected as the coordinator of the project in consensus. The Project Execution Council consists of the project team of Boyabat Teknik ve Endüstri Meslek Lisesi, contact people of all member institutions and all Electrical-Electronics Technology teachers of member institutions. The responsibilites of the Project Execution Council are communication and coordination with partner European institutions, execution of general organizations of the project and directing the project teams of all consortium member institutions. From each consortium member institutions 15 Electrical-Electronics Technology 11. Or 12. Grade students will participate in the project, therefore 45 student will participate in total. Our consortium members are paired with partner European institutions and participants from each consortium member will attend the training in one of the partner institutions. 1 accompanying teacher will accompany to each 15 participant group. Consortium member institutions will provide vocational and cultural training activities for participants and substitute participants and organize guidance-support meetings for participants, substitute participants and their parents. Participants will attend theoretical and practical trainings offered by experts with the help of high-tech equipments in our partner European institutions Bildungs Centrum Nies, Roc Ter AA and Roc Tilburg School of Mechatronics, Maintenance and Engineering which are famous worldwide with their training programs on high-tech electronic components and which have taken part in many student mobility projects as hosting institutions. Accommodation, catering, transportation, security, guidance and social activities will be organized by hosting institutions. The period of mobility is 3 weeks and in this period, participants will attend 6-hours-daily trainings for 15 workdays. The training topic is “Piezoelectricity and High-Tech Sensors-Transducers”. Our participants, who have already taken basic-level courses on sensors and transducers, will learn latest applications and high-tech sensors-transducers with both theoretical and practical educations. Our institutions can not provide that qualified trainings, because we do not have compenent teachers on these subjects and we can not afford some of the instruments. The training will also involve the topic of Piezoelectricity which is very related to sensors but it is worth to take it as a distinct subject. Participants will learn the nature and the applications of Piezoelectricity and learn how to use piezoelectrical materials whic are abundant in Turkey as circuit elements or energy sources with extensive theoretical and practical trainings. Our participants will improve their English language skills, become competent on “Piezoelectiricity and High-Tech Sensors-Transducers”, have certificates which proves the training they have taken, and increase their employment opportunities in both Turkey and international sector. Consortium members will work together after the mobility period to create educational resources in order to use in our institutions. For that purpose, the knowledge and experience transfered from participants and educational modules about “Piezoelectricity and High-Tech Sensors-Transducers” sent by partner European institutions will be united and worked on. The educational resources prepared will be presented to related institutions and organizations. As long-term purposes, the educational materials about other subjects, determined before, will be sent by partner European institutions and be used to create educational resources on these subjects in Turkish language. These resourses will be integrated our training programmes step by step and they will be presented to related institutions and organizations to be used by them, too. Thanks to the observations carried out during mobility period and the experiences gained, consortium member institutions will improve their educational techniques.
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3 Partners Participants