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Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project will be participated by students from first to third grade of vocational school who are interested in gaining new competencies in the field of mechanics, car painting, commerce and open for international cooperation. New technologies concerning mechanics, car painting and commerce are such fields of science that develop in an incredible dynamic way. Therefore, it becomes indispensable to train continuously to exchange experiences . One of the project’s objectives, which takes the advantage of our partners’experience is learning in practice subjects referred to mechanics, car painting and commerce. Our students would be able to gain some additional skills due to the participation in educational classes that will taking place at perfectly equipped local companies and school workshops. The second aim would be getting to know the procedures of founding a firm in Spain and Czech Republic and comparing systems of functioning our labour markets operate. It will let us complete, compare and share the knowledge about our labour markets. Expected results of projected internship will be: acquiring additional skills confirmed by Europass Mobility document and the certificate prepared by our partner, reducing the unemployment among graduates, improving English, Spanish and Czech languages in consideration of technical vocabulary and acquisition of new competencies in the field of IT. During the internship the students would familiarize procedures concerning Spanish and Czech labour market and that would contribute to increase professional mobility among graduates. The expected project material would result in creating a Polish-Spanish - Czech -English dictionary of technical vocabulary, business plan and conference prepared for local representative of garages and business. The anticipated internship in Czech Republic will last 2 weeks and is destined for 20 students ( 8 students of commerce, 6 students of mechanics, 6 students of car painting) and in Spain for 8 students ( 8 students of mechanics )and it will last also two weeks.
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