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Pienoismalleja, ympäristöä ja liikunnallista oppimista
Start date: May 1, 2011,

Our Youth In Action -project (1.1) name is Miniatures, environment and learning by physical activities and it is between Finland, Greece and Portugal. Every group has 11 young members and 2 leaders. The age of the young people is 15-19 years. We plan to make our project in Finland, Jyväskylä and its duration is 7 days 3.-9.8.2011. Our theme is environment. Our goal is to learn different things that effects the environment. We are going to visit different factories, learn about the Jyväskylä region environment and discuss what effect different organs have in protecting/destroying the environment. We also have functional workshops, where we can apply that what we have learned in action. We are going to discuss about our own decisions and how we are maybe going to change them in the future to protect the environment. In the end of our project we are going to make a miniature which is presenting our opinion of an environment-friendly city. The miniature is going to be on display in Vaajakoski library for two weeks after our project.
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