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Pictures of Life
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The youth exchange "Pictures of Life" will bring together in Luxembourg young people from five European countries: Luxembourg, Spain, Poland, Romania and FYR Macedonia. During the project we will use photography to explore, learn and share knowledge about our communities and overcome racism and prejudice. This is very important now, especially during the increased xenophobic discourse in media. The aim of the youth exchange will be concentrated on spreading tolerance and dialogue between peoples and communities, encourage youth participation in social matters, intercultural dialogue. Pictures of the communities of each national group will be brought to the exchange, and these photos will come from four thematic areas: people, places, celebrations and problems. On the exchange we will share and discuss their pictures and related to them the issues. We will also offer participants technical and creativity-boosting workshops to enhance their skills. Participants will use their new skills to photograph society and fight against racism. An exhibition of all their works will be organized as well. Social media (Facebook and Twitter) will be used in order to gather audience for the exhibition and we will use Tumblr to spread the works and our anti-Racism campaign.

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