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Photo As An Awareness Tool
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Mar 16, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The theme we have chosen for our seminar is "photo, as an awareness tool ." In our society , the image has taken center stage . We can see images and photographies everywhere (cellphones, internet , shops , press, billboards ... ). It has become an essential tool to reach people and the youth in particular . We want to bring together youth workers and youth "Leaders" to reflect and share our use of photography in general first, then in a second step , our use of photography as a tool for the implementation of campaigns awareness . One of our main goals is meeting with youth organizations with real experience in the field and others with no experience at all, to exchange ideas and know-how. Our objectives : 1 . Gather and allow youth workers and youth "Leaders" from different European countries to reflect on their knowledge and share their experiences of photography. 2 . Allow these workers and youth "Leaders" to exchange and develop their practices in photography. But also enable them to acquire ( for those who do not have experience in photo) skills needed to use photography as an awareness tool . 3 . Tell the 'ERASMUS+' program and its challenges. 4 . Strengthen our network of youth workers across Europe .
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