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PhD in Food Science & Technology & Creating Capacities for PhD Reform at the University of Pristina / Kosovo
Start date: Oct 15, 2010,

The Joint Tempus Project "PhD in Food Science & Technology & Creating Capacities for PhD Reform at the University of Pristina (UP) / Kosovo - PhD@UP" has the aim of supporting curricular reform and capacity building at UP with active involvement Ministry of Education, State Accreditation Agency of Kosovo and Student Unions. It focuses on reforming PhD curricula in accordance with the Bologna process and up to date European standards, thus supporting the integration of Kosovo into the European Higher Education area.The project consists of two SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: 1) To develop, accredit and implement the study program "PhD IN FOOD SCIENCE AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY" at the UP. This objective includes strengthening research capacities, as well as improving internationalisation and mobility aspects within the PhD cycle. PhD@UP addresses an urgent need to build expertise in the field of Food Science and Food Technology in Kosovo. Despite local agricultural capacities, Kosovo imports 60% of its food. Thus, the project will help to prepare high qualified experts for food production and food treatment in order to reduce and control existing very high current level of food import. 2) To bring the current institutional PhD STRUCTURE AND PROCESSES at the UP in line with the Bologna requirements and recent trends in this field as a basis for curricular reform. So far only 1st (BA) and 2nd (MA) cycles have been reformed. PhD studies are still on individual level and not Bologna conform. The following PRINCIPLES characterize the project: aacademic solidarity based on partnership and cooperation, ssustainability and local ownership, capacity and institution building as well as quality assurance throughout the project. The Consortium has been carefully selected and includes all relevant local stakeholders and partners from Austria, Germany, Finland and Spain.

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