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Perspectieven op feedback in functie van didactische innovatie
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since school year 2013-2014, the theme "feedback concerning didactical innovation" is in the spotlight at center level . 'Het Perspectief' wants to prolong this within this mobility project. 'Het Perspectief' has been looking for European partners who have built up an extensive and strong expertise in the field of didactical innovation, preferably with a focus on feedback. Didactical innovation often takes place within the field of ICT-supported learning, and therefore the participants will be looking, in about half of the activities, for new opportunities to evaluate and provide feedback through ICT, both through contact or distant learning. Disseminating the selected tools on center level is facilitated by our team working on innovation. During the other activities the participants will be looking for innovative ideas within the field of a specific department. Here you can find some examples: guiding techniques and coaching of students (Department Guide/Tour Guide), intergenerational learning (Department of Computer Science), applicability of an innovative educational approach in early childhood education on Dutch courses for slow adult learners (Department Dutch as a second language). There will also be a specific focus on feedback. There will be research on whether the gained insights can be implemented within the concerning department. By sharing good practices with all departments, this can set a long-term example for the entire center. The theme is deliberately approached from different angles by choosing a balance between attending courses and conferences, and observing through job-shadowing. To ensure a broad support within 'Het Perspectief', the participants are selected from amongst teachers of various departments (11), heads of department (1) and heads of services(2). Since teachers play a key role in our core business, namely adult education, the greatest proportion of activities is requested for them. By spreading and anchoring the expertise acquired by this project, and by further increasing quality and innovation, 'Het Perspectief' hopes to meet better the needs of adult learners and to respond more efficiently to the challenges of a rapidly evolving society.

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