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Personalised e-Commerce Strategies for SMEs - PECOS4SMEs
Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

Reason for the project: Southern Europe SMEs lack the needed knowledge to take advantage of the e-Commerce potential resulting in Southern Europe lagging within the e-Business area. PECOS4SMEs will develop a training programme concentrated on the provision of suitable knowledge and tools, which the SMEs can use to increase cross border eCommerce revenue. This includes changing sales and marketing strategies and new types of organisation and knowledge about e-Commerce technologies in a future world dominated by pervasive Internet. Main outputs:- 7 Country Reports (Digital Reports: EN, GR, NL, IT, FR, PL) on e-Commerce State of Play including an assessment of SME culture related to cross border e-Commerce.- A European Overview (Digital Report: EN, GR, NL, IT, FR, PL) offering a comparative overview of the situation in partner countries from a critical viewpoint concluding also to the practices to be transferred from top performers to those lagging.- A personalised training methodology and supporting training content for SMEs of the targeted sectors facilitated by a web application integrated with an e-Commerce “Genie” tool producing personalised e-Commerce strategies and training plans for SMEs to capitalise on cross border e-Commerce.- A Recommendations Programme and a set of Best Practices and Lessons Learned.Envisaged Impact: The promotion of useful e-Commerce strategies for SMEs includes transfer of knowledge and practices from top performing countries in e-Commerce to lagers thus bridging the cross border sales gap between Northern and Southern Europe and helping the economic recovery of the hard hit South. As a consequence of the introduction of new technologies and concepts facilitating cross border e-Commerce, (e.g. effective link building, search engine user attitudes etc.), SMEs will make their businesses more profitable and improve their ICT and methodological competence for interactive and collaborative learning.
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  •   298 235,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LEONARDO DA VINCI\Multilateral projects on Innovation
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants