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Période de Formation en Milieu professionnel avec Perfectionnement et Mise en Pratique de l'Espagnol
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are four teachers among whom two Spanish teachers and two vocational training teachers at Jules Lesven vocational high school in Brest and we are considering having a group of 25 students do their compulsory last 4 weeks of work placement in Spain, in companies located in the city of Barcelone.At the end of their work placement, the students will be assessed on the same level of requirement as in France.One 5th additional week is envisaged at the beginning of mobility and is devoted to 20 hours ofcourse in Spanish language. The Castilian is usually spoken in the companiesaccommodating about the public in Barcelona.We have choose IES Consulting, a Human Resources consultancy in the centre of Barcelona that facilitates recruitment and selection processes for international internships. It is an intermediary between companies, students and education centres in Europe.We are supported by the Youth information Centre and the Office of National Education for international Relations of the Rennes academy.Our students come mainly from a low social class and they have been selected according to motivational criteria and their level in Spanish . Their tasks in the company are identical to those entrusted to permanent employees and in the present case the tasks are those of any shop assistant.At the beginning of their work placement, the students will be accompanied by two Spanish and vocational training teachers who will check them in their host families and host companies.Wr search for a maximum impact at the following levels :Local level :- For the participants : desire for further studies, better knowledge in Spanish, open-mindedness to other ways of life,- For the Lesven school : encouragements for the other pedagogic teams for an other future same project, most international opening,- 2 press articles,- 3 external exhibitions of the school : Youth information Centre, Brest town hall and Collegian forum,- 2 internal exhibitions of the school : after the mobility and “open doors day”.Regional level :- Encouragements for other pedagogic teams of the Rennes academy thanks to the information will be made by the Office of National Education for international Relations of the Rennes academy.National level :- Information in the Communiquer review of the Professeur of Same Association which have 500 members in France.The benefits for the engaged students are expected on the following points :- Better level in Spanish language : B1 for all of them,- Continuations of studies for all the participants.

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