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pErGER – A Guidebook for InterSchoolers (Online Guide for future Hungarian and Austrian exchange students)

The partnership will be to have the students of both schools discover and compare the schooling system, future opportunities as exchange students, everyday life, culture, language and interests of each other. The whole programme will include preparatory negotiation sessions through the Internet and two exchanges – one from Hungary to Austria, the other from Austria to Hungary.As a result, the youngsters will compose a ’Guidebook for InterSchoolers’, which must include all their formal and informal knowledge and experiences in order to help any possible exchange students from either country to the other.Especially following topics are included in the Online-Guide: *) Collecting and structuring general information about the school systems in Austria and Hungary *) Collecting basic information about HTBLA Perg and Wigner Jenő Secondary School  Curriculum  IT-Focus  Infrastructure  VIDEO: Daily life in our school*) Collecting information about cultural aspects in Perg and Eger (sights, history, leisure, culinary aspects, ..)*) AUDIO-DICTIONARY: Hungarian–English–GermanA practical test of the guidebook will be included in the programme, which means, that during the 2nd visit the students test and evaluate the project result (~ use the information of the ’Guidebook for InterSchoolers’ in real life situations).
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