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Performance-Workshop Kaleidoskop - Ein Projekt von kroatischen und deutschen Jugendlichen zum Thema Diskriminierung, Ausgrenzung und eliminatorischer Gewalt
Start date: May 12, 2016, End date: Jan 11, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Every society follows a logical structure that seems to determine the way we are, act and even talk. The performance workshop Kaleidoskop will take place in Mai 2016 in Brandenburg, Germany and in August 2016 in Podum, Croatia, and aims at a critical questioning of this partition through performative interventions within this order. It is dedicated to youngsters and young adults from Germany and Croatia. The bi-national encounter deals with the topics of exclusion, discrimination and eliminatory violence and aims to work out social and cultural commonalities and differences and to reinforce a solidary communication and interaction without violence and without discrimination. Therefor it uses methods of non-formal, informal and intercultural learning. Theatre pedagogical methods will be used to develop public presentations at each place of the encounters. This bi-national workshop goes back to the suggestion of two already existing youth groups that yet worked with the two partner organisations Mikub e.V. and OU Podum on this questions on a national level. The participants derive from rural regions that deliver just little offers of non-formal, informal or inter cultural learning and that share similar problems like exodus, unemployment, lack of perspective or vacancy the participants have to deal with. The range of topics is obvious: in Brandenburg the history of Nazi-regime and actions of radical right-wing in nowadays, in Podum the mine fields, the experience of violence and languages of hatred. The performance workshop follows constructively these topic approaches and at the forefront of its background deals with a set of related questions concerning discrimination and eliminatory violence.In this light, we are inviting 24 participants from Croatia and Germany to a 8-day performance workshop in Brandenburg in Mai 2016. Every encounter is structured into three phases. At first the issues will be worked out and developed by means of discussion rounds, input of experts and theatre pedagogical exercises. The following phase is aimed at finding subjects and materials by building small teams who will draft and execute different projects together. In the end the teams will present their preliminary results. In this way Kaleidoskop will work as platform to initiate, develop and to try out concrete anti-racist goals that will persist beyond the durance of the workshopWith these methods of informal learning the youth encounter promotes intercultural awareness, strengthens personal initiative and self-confidence and supports the distribution of the European ideal. All participants will be actively coached by expert drama tutors, directors and dramatic advisors. Apart from Croatian and German, the general workshop language is English and a sequel to the workshop will take place in Podum in August 2016, giving the possibility to deepen and develop further what has been already achieved. The participation in both parts of workshop is highly recommended but not mandatory.

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