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Performance-centred Adaptive Curriculum for Employment Needs
Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

PAC is a project that aims to develop an adaptive curriculum at a master degree level matching new business and employment needs, by applying performance support systems concept and principles for education in performance-centred content management learning system. We are going to develop complete programs at a master degree level responding to the following challenges: increasing the number of higher education graduates, and the need of new skills requirements of many jobs not only in terms of formal qualifications but also in terms of detailed skills and competences. Identification of new demands for qualifications and qualifications profile development will input the business and employment into curriculum development and course design, to answer to the need of practically oriented/occupationally specific and designed for participants to acquire the practical skills, and know-how needed for employment in a particular occupation programmes - the successful completion of which usually provides the participants with a labour-market relevant qualification. Outputs: Identified skills needs and new requirements for competences in fibre-optic technology, control systems, electronic and software engineering. Jobs skills set-up. Developed qualification profiles – knowledge, skills and competences in learning outcomes, curriculum framework. Developed Performance-centred Adaptive Curriculum (PAC) for qualification Report from the test of PAC. Evaluation of the skills, knowledge and competences – answer the question: ‘Right skills for the right job?’ Impact: while continuing to work on rising and developing national standards, address specific local industry and business needs, as part of a wider effort to build new qualifications to match emerging competence needs in the sector, we support progress towards the Europe-wide certification of qualifications.
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  •   233 055,89
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\ERASMUS\Cooperation between Universities and Enterprises
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants