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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Anffas for over 50 years operates throughout Italy for inclusion and care of people with intellectual disabilities. In recent years the Anffas Cagliari is committed, as well as in more properly rehabilitative aspects, also in the process of affirmation of the rights of self-determination and autonomy of persons with disabilities thus requiring operators involved greater attention to these issues. In this inclusive logic ANFFAS ONLUS CAGLIARI has created a socio-labor inclusion service (SISL) aimed at offering to young people leaving the school curriculum, training sessions with an experiential nature. Current education and training model, while advanced from the regulatory field, it is not always appropriate to the needs of the people with disabilities with regards to transfer what they learned into a real job. SISL uses the "situation training" methodology in order to enable people with disabilities to develop skills and personal, interpersonal and work skills directly "on the job", that is in usual work environments, rather than in protected situations. Since October 2014 Anffas Cagliari has also given rise to an Agency for work mediation, Region of Sardinia-accredited as Employment Agency. According with the methodology of such services, the Anffas Cagliari through the Erasmus's "Percorsi Eusopei di Crescita" (European Growth Paths) project, born from a partnership launched in 2013 and consolidated in 2015 with UGECAM, a similar Normandy association . With the PEC, Anffas wants to offer to 12 young people with intellectual disabilities and to 6 professionals engaged in the field of disability the opportunity to try their-self in a vocational training course lasting 18 days, to be held in June 2017 in two Normandy cities. With regards to "learners traineeships in companies abroad" action 1, the 12 individuals involved come from a degree in vocational schools (Agrarian and Hotel and Catering Training School), ended in 2015/2016 school year, which at the conclusion involves a social-work program aimed at strengthening the skills acquired in schools and transferring them to Erasmus field experience for an improvement with the start of training workshops in Normandy within one year after obtaining the qualification / diploma. The project idea was born in order to provide young adults with a pre-professional skills profile that can foster future job placement, putting them on an equality level with peers students accessing to European experiences. For learners, attending vocational training courses within French territory, will allow them to develop new working practices and enrich their curricula and their theoretical knowledge, to be transferred to other national or transnational working contexts. The professionals involved in the "Staff training abroad" project second step are all qualified in the psycho - social and medical-educational area, with deep expertise in training and employment of persons with disabilities. Especially the to-be-trained staff consists of one service coordinator, three professional educators with specific skills about careers guidance, one social worker with expertise on social and labor policies, one occupational psychologist. The Erasmus + will provide professionals, also in training, an opportunity to be able to experiment with very different cultural, political and legislative environments. It will promote the knowledge of different services philosophy, team approachs and different methodologies testing, as well as the design and production of scientific materials about the disabled persons rights. The organization of the Normandy visit plan includes the involvement of the learners in an independent living experience: they will live in groups of 6 young adults (three Italian and three French) in 4 apartments in the city.The cohabitation between young adults from different countries is an important aspect of the project that will help them to develop social skills, life experiences during leisure time and experience another culture. In the morning the young adults will be working within the various companies identified in the French territory. At the same time the professionals will be engaged in a training course with French experts, in order to learn about other similar organizations, they will acquire knowledge on their social, health and labor policies, that they could transfer into their practices and professional knowledge. At the end of the experience a ceremony that will involve institutional and corporate partners, the learners and the staff will receive, after the assessment of learning outcomes, the skills attesting certificates (Europass Mobility). Through this PEC experience the young adults may increase their social inclusion opportunities and it will has a significant impact on their quality of life. This is true especially in terms of personal autonomy and independency, self-esteem and psychological well-being increase, increased job skills and employability of these young adults, who, because of their intellectual disabilities, are often marginalized in the labour market This mobility experience will favour professionals in the openness to internationalization experience and professional practices exchange, it will increase their curiosity about educational, rehabilitation and training approaches belonging to different cultures, regulations and policies, as well as developing into them a sense of belonging to Europe.
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