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Pensiero e Azione 2: il dibattito storico-filosofico tra XIX e XX secolo
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The strategic partnership project "Pensiero e Azione 2: il dibattito storico-filosofico tra XIX e XX secolo" between the Liceum M. Gorky from Sofia (Bulgaria) and the Liceum G.B. Vico from Chieti ( Italy ), represents the follow-up a previous bilateral school partnerships called "Pensiero e Azione" under the LLP Comenius, that has been successfully implemented by the same schools in 2012-2014. The new proposal aims to provide an opportunity to deepen the relationship between the two institutes and contribute to the education of pupils under the personal and human profile, but also improving their competitiveness on the labor market when later on they will make their entry into the world of employment, in line with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The two promoters are convinced that through the study, intended as a mean to knowledge and freedom, the European school system should qualify and increasingly open with participatory learning methods, based on the teachers-students interaction, to encourage young people to become protagonists of their own learning in a transnational and intercultural environment. Educational institutions involved in this project aim to promote a dialogue between different perceptions of the European integration process, encouraging a permanent reflection on the nowadays socio-economic and political models. The Western and Eastern Europe often have been looking at each other in a stereotyped and superficial way, according to cultural clichés only partially corresponding to truth. Therefore this project proposal for a strategic partnership wants to be also a way to support to overcome prejudices and stereotypes that certainly does not help to promote effective integration . The project also aims to promote the knowledge of two official Community languages (Italian and Bulgarian) that are amongst the less used and less taught, through transnational cooperation activities about contemporary history and philosophy of common interest for the two schools, that pupils and teachers will face either through traditional teaching methods and innovative learning tools borrowed from non-formal education, such as research and theatre workshops, and also making use of computer technology and multimedia . From the educational point of view, deepening the study of a complex subject such as the history of European philosophical thought over the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century, the project intends to promote a reflection on the cultural models that have been developed in the European hystory, thus forming the varied terrain upon which the building of the European integration has built, not pretending to deny existing differences but rather to value them, as the well-known motto "United in difference" makes it explict. During the project implementation significant intellectual outputs will be produced and made available through publications and multimedia tools, such as: an ICT platform (Information Communication Technology) / website dedicated to the project, containing all the main results; a historical-philosophical cooperative research developed by students and teachers from both schools; a theatre workshop based on the themes of the research with screenplay written by the students themselves in collaboration with a professional theatre director; a final report of the entire project experience, with audio-visual documentation enclosed. Across the two year project life-time two group mobility of pupils from both schools will be implemented: pupils from the Liceum Gorky from Sofia will visit the partner school in Chieti - Italy in the spring 2015; pupils from the Liceum Vico will go and visit their partner in Bulgaria in the spring 2016. Both exchanges will encompass a balanced set of formal and non-formal education activities, including lectures, seminars , workshops, cultural excursions. The main tool to facilitate the active participation and stimulate the intercultural dialogue among participants during the two exchanges that will take place during the project is a theater workshop , aimed at the staging some texts freely adapted from the historical-philosophical research carried out across the entire project, which will be also played in two public shows in Italy and Bulgaria. All of the project results will be published in a paper publication and through multimedia/audiovisual products that will be disseminated on a large scale and posted on the website of the partnership, where they will remain freely available to all users for at least one additional year beyond the end of the project .
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1 Partners Participants