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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With the Erasmus project, fully supported by the entire staff, the lycee Arago aims at achieving a sustainable internaltional dimension. This project is twofold: Pelma 1(English language training for teachers) and Pelma 2 . For several years already the Arago Lycee is progressing towards increased international presence. With Erasmus+, Lycee Arago intends to take another step in that direction, beyond the satisfying yet somehow limited existing partnerships. Language training should be seen as a cornerstone of our project and three of our teachers - all members of SILC - are at the heart of it. Their skills rank from mainstream teaching to professional oriented domains such as woodcraft or industrial maintenance. In choosing our trainees we have followed a clear logic: the variety of fields available to our students should be shown in a similar variety of candidate profiles. We also believe that both the individual and the overall impact would be greater should the courses be diverse even though they remain related. All trainees have an advanced command of the English language. The internship will allow them to improve it, but also to aquire the specific vocabulary of their own area of expertise such as woodcraft, maintenance or economics and management. As for the activities proposed by our partner SILC regarding understanding and speach, they focus equally on the spoken or written form. Full immersion in an English speaking environment and daily use of genuine English documentation will allow our trainees to improve not only their level in English but also their understanding of the English culture. The English training course Pelma1 serves several purposes: Teachers progress will be measured following the CECRL referential. When validated, the C1 level will serve as basis for the DNL project And allow opening of the Euro class in the Lycee Arago. The English training will allow a better command of the language and of its use in a professional environment. The teaching staff will see it as an opportunity to broaden their contacts and research partnerships abroad, while the students will both enhance their English level and widen their internship or job search at the overall European level. In the mid term, based on these two founding projects, the international opening of the Lycee Arago should become global. It will provide consistency to mobility of both level IV and level III students. It will also support the Quality initiative launched in the global frame of the "Lycee des metiers" initiative. Last but not least, in accordance with the global 2013-2017 academic project, it will provide opportunities for students to successfully find their own place in the professional environment.
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