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Peer-to-Peer learning
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Innovative teaching and excellence in education are essential factors for future knowledge-based societies. Teachers and learners need to meet the demands of the changing world both in terms of technology and educational reform. This requires effective cooperation between nations. International mobility should be seen as an important added value for teacher career development and student progression. Our project aims at creating closer links between teachers and students in the partnership institutions and engaging in topics which cross educational linguistic and cultural boundaries. Through participation in our project, educators and learners will develop closer links with one another and can advance their career development and their future chances for professional and academic success. Students will have the opportunity to develop a critical view of their own educational system and to gain a wider perspective on other systems through mobility and interaction. Experience of previous partnerships has demonstrated a need for both staff and students to focus on an more targeted approach to addressing the issues which we all face in EU community. Previous project restraints have meant that we have not been able to get to the core of many of the issues which challenge us all. We feel that Erasmus + offers a new opportunity to select areas which provide challenge and will have considerable impact on both our own schools and those of the partnership. We have chosen this project because, as a long-standing partnership, we have identified a number of key issues and needs across the partner schools which we would like to address. It has become clear that in all our school communities there exist groups who do not share equality of opportunity such as ethnic minority groups, those from low-income or unemployed families, and students with special educational needs. We believe that our collaboration will allow us to share good practices to enable individual schools to enhance the educational experience for all. Those issues have been recognized and turned into our project objectives. By drawing on the expertise of educators in the partner institutions, the project will contribute to a wider understanding of other schools, will enhance methodolgies and will break down social and cultural barriers. The project offers teachers and students new perspectives on education and will overcome the barriers to wider European integration, especially for young learners. The importance of the project for the target groups, such as those who suffer disadvantage, cannot be underestimated and we seek to to offer them their own equal place within the project activities. These objectives will be: -fostering a provision of key competencies e.g. basic and transversal skills particularly entrepreneurship, languages and digital (ICT) skills -promoting innovative practices for professional development and improved methodology and fostering the research of teaching and learning and integrating these competencies into our curriculum. Lifelong training and creativity are required for teachers so that they can respond to didactic demands, to the use of technological approaches and efficient educative resources. -foster equity and inclusion in education especially for target groups (disadvantaged in society) -dissemination of good practices -encourage the development of counseling skills not only to prevent drop out, but also to aid the transition process from one key stage to another -to recognize the importance of the European dimension within our school communities. Seven schools from 7 diifferent countries are involved in the project. All of the staff and all of the students in the partner schools will be impacted by the project, although not all will be directly involved in the activities. This will depend on the objective and the target groups. One of the most successful projects of the original group in 1995 was the production of a ´Europresse´ magazine. It was particularly popular because it allowed many students to contribute and it was easy to demonstrate the tangible results of the students´ work. As a result of this, we would like to replicate the original idea, but instead bring the magazine concept into the 21 century by producing a digital version. We believe that this medium allows flexibility of topics, fosters cooperation and inclusion of minority groups. We will also be able to access a wider target audience. Other activities will include mentoring between older and younger students where the older students from other countries can act as peer mentors offering advice about continuing education, learning languages and support to more vulnerable groups. Job shadowing will give the teachers involved in the project an invaluable opportunity to observe and share good practice on an international level. They will be able to assess and improve their teaching methods, linguistic ability, cultural insight, ...

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6 Partners Participants