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Pedagoga kompetenču pilnveide
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The teachers of Liepajas Centre primary school are regularly looking for new ways of leading modern teaching process and new ways of student knowledge and skill development appropriately to 21st century requirements while maintaining the basic knowledge and skills that students must acquire at any time. 76% teachers of Liepajas Centre primary school have mastered the ways of creative thinking promotion techniques after de Bono methodology. By winning the competition, team of four teachers was given the chance to participate in Samsung school for the Future organized digital training courses that lasts for 5 months in 2014. 68% of teachers are acquired course „Use of ICT in the teaching process" 8 teachers have acquired the professional qualification improvement programs „Coaching methods at school for effective communication, goal setting and achievement. " In school year 2014./2015. fiveteen teachers attend English classes organized by the English teacher. In five years period teachers has developed guidance material on priority themes: Self-evaluation techniques for students Differentiation of the learning process according to students’ abilities Three levels of differentiated learning tasks Promotion of students’ creativity in lessons using ICT Learning content integration through ICT Every teacher has her own computer, projector is available in 84% of classrooms, we have 4 interactive whiteboards, 2 data cameras, 3 Tablets and voting sistem for 30 students. Although teachers have many ideas and possibilities to realize them they have the feeling and need to improve their knowledge and skills to fully carry out their work which shows that the teachers are willing to lifelong learning. School's strategic goal is to encourage the cooperation of different subject teachers as a result making the learning more attractive for students and develop students’ creative thinking, research and cooperation skills, within the class by using ICT. All the teachers according to the priorities set at school are motivated to manage integrated lessons, use technology in the learning process and improve students' cooperation, research and creative thinking skills. All teachers have been involved in the school's vision and values development process. Thus, all the teachers are equally involved in and responsible for the school objectives. Objectives of the project "Development of teachers' competence": To improve the competence of teachers - language competence, technological competence, teaching competence by using innovative methods. Expand teachers' understanding of the European dimension in cooperation with teachers from other European countries, learning about their culture, traditions and history of the country visited. Investigate class and school management methods and forms. This project provides job shadowing and development of language skills according to the priorities of the school. Intended that 22 teachers will participate in the project - 16 teachers will do job shadowing, 6 teachers will attend language development courses. Before writing the project proposal teacher interest and willingness to participate in the job shadowing and language courses has been studied. Headmaster informed teachers about evaluation criteria for participation in the project. For communication with coordinators in schools and course providers is used e-mail, eTwinning and Skype conversations. At the end of each activity will be organized discussion of teachers and school administrators about experiences, knowledge and skills acquired during courses or job shadowing. During the course teachers will be improved knowledge of the language according to the priorities of the school. During job shadowing teachers expand their theoretical knowledge learned in seminars, courses with EU colleagues experience on curriculum integration, the use of ICT in the learning process, student research, collaboration and creative thinking skills development. Teachers will share acquired knowledge and skills with colleagues. During courses participants will meet other EU representatives and that will give the opportunity for dialogue and cooperation with teachers in other EU countries. One of the greatest benefits will be improved knowledge of the European cultural diversity and the awareness of European dimension. Language improvement and job shadowing provide more opportunities for international project organization and management. Thus, the long-term benefit will be the ability of teachers to participate in or lead the multilateral cooperation projects.

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