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PATH TO A JOB. Youth Inclusion through Employability
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT CONTEXT. The single biggest crisis facing the European Union is youth unemployment. High rates of youth unemployment and young school leavers show the need for implementing projects which launch reflection and experimentation actions designed to improve quality and innovation in youth workers’ approaches to unemployment. At the same time the project will support the social inclusion of young people through employability - in line of objectives and fields of action of the renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-2018) DATA Dropouts: EU28 average (12.7% in 2012). Spain (24.9%); Italy (17.6%); United Kingdom (13.5%) Youth unemployment: EU28 average (23%). Italy (35.3%); Spain (53.2%); UK (21%) (Eurostat). OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES The project aims to promote a strategic partnership between 4 European organisations in order to foster the inclusion and employability of young people, ( aged between 17 and 24 years), with fewer opportunities (NEETs and young people with disadvantage backgrounds). We will achieve this through a comprehensive social intervention at personal, family and social level in their path to a job. Specific objectives: 1. To share innovative good practices in youth workers’ approaches to unemployment, especially for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. - Activity: Development of a database. 2. To develop a comprehensive approach (methodology) to support young people with fewer opportunities in their path to a job by involving young people, youth workers, families, companies and other stakeholders. - Local working groups, methodological guide. 3. To improve the skills and competences of youth workers, especially digital competences, so that they will be able to offer a high quality support to disadvantaged young people in their job seeking. Activities: Training activitiesin ICT for youth workers and the development of ICT-based resources for cooperation and communication (portal web). 4. To empower disadvantaged young people in their path to a job as well as promoting meetings and reflection spaces with stakeholders (companies, public administrations and policy-makers) and other European young people (virtual mobility). - Activities: local events and virtual mobility. 5. To improve the international capacity of participating organisations by adding European value to their experiences, guidance and job placement programmes for young people with fewer opportunities. They will achieve this through joint work with organisations in other European countries, the use of European tools for dissemination (Dissemination platform Erasmus+), the recognition of learning outcomes (Europass) and the implementation of the following intellectual outputs (digital, under Creative Commons license and in different languages): - Database: Innovative good practices about youth inclusion through employability. - PATH TO A JOB. Comprehensive methodology for the accompaniment of young people with fewer opportunities in their path to a job. - Web portal: Path to a job. NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS The project involves approximately 1720 people, both directly and indirectly. The profile of direct participants: young people with fewer opportunities, youth workers and companies’ representatives. Indirect participants’ profile: policy makers, decision takers, businesses, local and regional authorities, civil society organisations, education and training providers, employment agencies, youth workers and organisations and young people and families. RESULTS AND IMPACT Youth workers will be trained to develop key competences such as linguistic and digital skills and specific ones related to coaching for improving the quality of youth work. Open educational resources, multilingual and freely available will be developed. The implementation of a comprehensive methodology for the accompaniment of young people with fewer opportunities in the path to a job will be facilitated through a structured guide with quality indicators, a database of innovative good practices and a portal web about youth inclusion through employability Promote active participation of young people with fewer opportunities in key aspects affecting their lives (empowerment)
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3 Partners Participants