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Password: Printmaking - travelling exhibition and art residencies
Start date: May 1, 2012,

European printmaking has a significant history within the art world. However, art production has seen radical change and the graphic arts within that, especially traditional, often tend to lose selective functions and meanings. A part of the practice has therefore become more focused on a decorativeness and the market mechanisms of commercial galleries and fairs, whereas the other part is developing its message in line with today’s art events and the expressive possibilities of the new media. All those committed to the research, promotion, collection and/or production of fine art printmaking in Europe are confronted by this situation. We need to question constantly where and how the graphic arts can be seen today, where and how we could be putting more effort into their greater prominence in all areas of the art world (research, critical thought, production). The project is segmented into 7 core activities, which are as follows: (a) Kick-off meeting and conceptual reflection on the contemporary graphic arts (b) Exhibition (c) Art residencies (d) Workshops and events (e) Staff exchange (f) Conference (g) Concept of the follow-up programme. Included in the project are the co-organisers that have traditionally dealt with the research, promotion, collection and/or production of modern and contemporary fine art printmaking and art publications. The project promotes contemporary art, artists, cultural workers and raises public awareness of the field of the graphic arts and reproducible art practices related to printmaking. It establishes a structure for the creative integration of the organizers of graphic manifestations of tradition, residency programmes as well as exchanges within Europe, forging links between artists, theoreticians, art institutions and art education establishments across Europe. The proposed project will take place in six European countries and will be interactively accessible through Facebook and the co-organisers’ websites.
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