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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The high school Le Rebours has been certified "high school for business in accounting and commercial activities" since 2008 and has got 1300 students (around). Students are supervised by hundred qualified professionals (teachers, educational manager, administrative personnel). Our educational and training aims are to allow young people to leave the educational system with a diploma, to develop a personal project (integration on the work market or continuation of studies), and develop their personality by a vision of the complete development of the person leading them to become adults. The school project and the orientations 2010-2015 are conformed : •to the Région Ile de France's purposes by the valorisation of the courses, •to the National Education purposes "school for the success of everyone", •to the academic project purposes "valorisation of the technologic and professional fields". For 3 years, The High School Le Rebours strengthened its strategy of internationalization. The mobility and the linguistic skills development are part of the school founding axes (see annexes). The High School Le Rebours knows a significant increase of the mobilities in all projects and fields. Leonardo's mobilities for internship abroad with the students in tertiary vocational "baccalauréat professionnel" has been organized by this school for several years. In 2012, the opening of a European English spoken class in the professional vocational school, with a "DNL communication" gives the opportunity to recognize officialy the impacts linked to the professional and linguistic mobility in the High School Diploma (baccalauréat professionnel) and within the framework of the mobilities. Young students of the professional High School had to several internship between the first and the third year for the professional high school diploma. Facing to the increasing demand, we want to be abble to offer internships abroad to all our students in professional high school diploma. We widen our partner's network in the EU by offering different places and accomodations regarding to the age and maturity of the grant holders, but always in a secured way as the parents want. Ireland, Spain, United Kingdom, Malta, Canaries, are now partners of our network, and we want to add soon Germany and Holland. The internship abroad is certificatif for the high school diploma within the framework of the professional and linguistic tests. Concerning the pupils from the european class, make an internship abroad contribute to the obtaining of the distinction on the high school diploma. Real springboard essential in the construction of their professional project, The High School Le Rebours wants to give them the opportunity to make an internship abroad. We really think that the mobility is a vector in their school success : 1/ acquisition of new language skills within the framework of everyday life or a profession. 2/ acquisition or improvment of various professional skills. 3/ means to help them to develop an european consciousness or/and to awaken them in the european citizenship. 4/ tool to fight against the early school leaving, because mobility shows the training more attractive to the grant holders and gives more value to the CV. 5/ success passport to continue the studies in higher education where the linguistic skills and better general knowledges are expected in different school ways as STS, "Prépa ECP", "licence d'enseignement général" (Vaucanson). 6/ Employment factor, because the students won't be afraid in front of "unknowledged other". European language passport regarding to the CEFRL, Europass CV, personalized follow-up, gratitude of the skills by the various certifications (linguistic, Europro, Europass), certificative's evaluation linked to the diploma and valirization of the courses are really a fondamental openmind to envisage an occupational integration in a world in perpetual transformation. The High School Le Rebours helps by those ways its students to become european citizens
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3 Partners Participants