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Паспорт за работа - иновативна практика по геодезия като гаранция за успех
Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PGASG" Architect Kamen Petkov" is a school with traditions. Founded 53 years ago , it is situated in the central-east part of Plovdiv. It is a vocational school with 1006 students aged 13-19 and 87 teachers. The school offers education in the following majors: Building and architecture, Geodesy, Water engineering, Transportation engineering, Landscape design and Real estate brokers. During their course of study the students have many theoretical classes and practical outdoor and indoor trainings related to their majors. Our school has taken part in various European projects during the years. Participation in the projects showed us that The European Union offers great possibilities for students and teachers. With this we would like to state our interest in the European project and pass it on to our students as exciting and necessary for the EU. Carrying out a mobility project increases the extent of knowledge and professional and cultural experience. We wish to carry out this project because it is related to E2020objectives, especially the European priorities of education and training: ET2020. They include: recognition and validation of skills and qualifications by using particular tools ,for example Europass certificate, Europass CV, ECVET etc. and the purpose of these tools is to ensure transparency so that skills and qualifications can be more easily recognized within and beyond national borders as well as in the labour market ; dissemination and exploitation of project results which will give our organization the opportunity to communicate and share outcomes achieved by the project, thus extending the impact of such projects and justifying the European added value of Erasmus +;International dimension – cooperation with partner countries ; multilingualism which is a cornerstone objective and has a prominent role for promotion of language learning and linguistic diversity . The EU has set the goal that every citizen should have the opportunity to acquire at least two foreign languages – English and Spanish in our project.T he Main objectives of the project for the school are :making the vocational training attractive; encourage practical activities and provide high-quality information which enable students and their parents to become acquainted with vocational training and work possibilities;organization of teaching and learning activities which foster the development of career management skills;giving learners access to appropriate up-to-date technical equipment, teaching materials; improving the quality and relevance of Vocational training at the school; promoting international mobility of students and teachers; providing language training adapted to the specific needs of VET,with a special emphasis on the foreign language for cross-border cooperation;promoting European tools like Europass and ECVET; fostering innovation and creativity as well as the use of ICT in VET; promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship. There will be two groups of 16 students participating in the project and two accompanying teachers with each group. One of the teachers will be an engineer and the other an English teacher. There will be two groups of 16 students participating in the project and two accompanying teachers with each group. One of the teachers will be an engineer and the other an English teacher. Both of them need to improve their competences regarding teaching geodesy and English as a foreign professional language. The students will be 11th or 12th grade because during these last two years of their education they acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in this project. They also had intensive English language learning but till 12th grade they have acquired knowledge only in general English and it is only their last year at school when they study English for specific purposes regarding specific terms used to practice their future profession. The main activity is Activity A1 VET learners traineeships in companies abroad 2015-2016 , which includes preparation, mobility and dissemination. The expected impact on the participants is a result of the accomplishing the main objectives that we have set before the start of the project namely the basic educational goal - to reduce early school leaving and to give better chances for future employment, by increasing attainment in tertiary education. They will have learned about geodetic instruments and programs and see a different approach for work and have been motivated to study and develop their competences. The impact on the teachers is that they will have improved their linguistic competences in English and Spanish, updated and improved their work performance by implementing different techniques and methods of teaching, digital, social competence. On local, regional , national and European level on the labour market will appear highly qualified young people and that can only be in favour of the business.
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