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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Belgium, the term nursery is equivalent to that of "child care assistant" in France. The role of the nurse is part of a holistic approach to the child within an educational, social and of health care dimension. It also establishes a special relationship with the parents. Care of children also requires teamwork. There are also French specifications that should be discovered, for example the crèches parentales. This project will organize a 2 week stay (for a school) and 3 weeks (…) in April 2015 and April 2016, for 55 students of grade 7 of vocational education “Care Services” sector and more specifically "Child Care". The third week will help to develop the skills listed in the folder. Two schools in the Federation Wallonia-Brussels are involved in this project. The host partners are two and have a real expertise in European mobility. The objective of this mobility is to acquire sufficient professional skills and, most importantly, key skills to find a job, the savoir-être mainly. The aim is also to acquire a capacity of adaption to novelty and actual working conditions in a different human, geographical and cultural context. The interest of the project also lies in developing the spirit of solidarity and openness to other people. Links created with other countries of the European Union allows the construction of European citizenship. This project is framed by the CCGPE DGEO and offers all the guarantees for it to be conducted effectively. Accompanying adults are professionals who deal with young people involved throughout the year, whether they supervise their training, or they provide general courses or professional practices. Although this profession sector is not exactly lacking professionals, training in childcare is in a list of studies to obtain an exemption in the case of a shortage occupation (only for job seekers residing in the Region of Brussels-Capital for the 2013-14 school year, see In fact, the job offers concerning this Region are quite numerous.

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