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Partnerschaftsaufbau zwischen Einrichtungen der Jugendarbeit im Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg und der Region Izmir in der Türkei
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the region of "Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg" there exist a number of institutions that work with youth - having different topics to work on and some focussing on specific target groups. Only a few of these institutions are offering international youth projects.As a body responsible for youth-work in this district we would like to initiate new projects and also pick up the wish for finding partnerships for international projects: therefore we're starting off with a German-Turkish expert exchange as Turkish migration is playing a special role in our region.The project partner in Izmir is very much interested to get in touch with more youth organisations in Germany is having similar expectations as we have.One of the basic aims therefore is the intensive getting to know each other: Youth workers and persons responsible for youth work from our district and Izmir are meeting during our exchange. We want to talk about our understanding of youth work, about methods, target groups, attitudes so that we can find a ideas for common international youth projects in the future.That leads two the second main aim: partnerships for common projects are to be build. Representatives of different youth organisations can exchange ideas and visions and develop ideas for youth encounter projects that the want to offer youngsters in the near future.The programme will be a mix of visiting institutions and organisations of youth work in the district and discussing there about their work (themes and methods) and the exchanging of ideas and attitudes with each other as well as with youth.The participants will be youth workers and persons responsible in the structures of youth work.The impact that we hope to achieve is connected to the aims: we hope that different specific projekcs will be developed (or at least ideas for projects) that are to be undertaken by partners from both countries and that are adding to the youth work and their range of offers and quality in our disctrict. In the long run strong partnerships might be established, that could be developed further in terms of getting more partners from more countries integrated in these partnerships and the projects.
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1 Partners Participants