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Particle Physics beyond the Energy Frontier (PrecisionFlavour)
Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The Standard Model of particle physics is incomplete. It fails to address suchfundamental questions as the baryon asymmetry of the universe(i.e. our own existence), dark matter and dark energy, and gravity;it has too many free parameters, and suffers from self-consistencyproblems (the fine-tuning and hierarchy problem). Nearly allalternatives to the Standard Model that address these problems predict theexistence of new, heavy particles.Flavour physics is sensitive to quantum loops that can be affectedby new particles with masses even beyond those that can be directlyproduced at the highest-energy colliders - it allows us to seebeyond the energy frontier. This makes it highly sensitive tophysics beyond the Standard Model The observed size of the matter-antimatterasymmetry of the universe proves that additional, undiscoveredsources of charge-parity (CP) violation must exist. CP violationmeasurements, which are the domain of flavour physics, holdtherefore particular promise in the search this ""New Physics"".We will use powerful new techniques and the unprecedented datasetsof LHCb to extract some of the most important, and currently mostpoorly constrained CP violation parameters. We will collaborateacross several international collaborations to further improve ourmeasurements. We will reach new levels of precision that willdramatically increase the New Physics reach of the entire flavour physicsapproach."

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