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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will take nine months in Calahorra, during this time we will host one volunteer. The volunteer´s profile is a young person with interests in youth policies, leisure and free time, art and culture. One of the volunteer task will be to support the PIO and help the technician helping young people to enter in labour markets throught the active job researching throught the Internet. Some other activities are to inform our youngsters throught our presence in highschools and in our headquarters, the Internet and social networks about the chances and oportunities they have in Spain and all over Europe; beside encourage them to participate in an active way in the society throught volunteerism and their belonging to youth organizations. The task to get this are among others to get and send information in multiple formats (social networks, blogs, leaflets...); in adition to these activities, the volunteer will take part in our educational labor by helping us to give an European dimension in the workshops and talks for the younsters at town. There is another part in our project that consist in an active participation in the activities that CJCC and our organizations member do such summer talks, gatherings or cultural exhibitions. The volunteer will be always surrounded by our volunteers and there will be also a person (beside his mentor) who will acompany him along all the activities he will develop during his service. His labor in the activities will be as support and we will encourage him to get more involved and to promote new projects that can fix with our activities. One of our principal aims is the impact that the volunteer will have between our young people helping and encouraging them to participate in this kind of projects, to have an European awareness and to know the similarities and differences they have with other countries´ youngsters. Beside helping them to find a job, the volunteer can be an example about Youth movility. For us the main benefit of this project is the volunteer´s presence as a European movility´s reference as well as an opening reference
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