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PARTICI-LOGUE. Participation and Dialogue with Palestine
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposal to build the voluntary service project "Partici-Logue" in Palestine is the result of a partnership focused on promoting active citizenship of youth for social change. The idea was born from the collaboration between the Italian NGO International Cooperation South South (CISS) of Palermo, 25 years operating in Palestine, and the Palestinian partner Juzoor Association for Health & Social Development (JUZOOR) in Ramallah, an association of young workers deeply rooted in the territory, both with extensive experience working with young people and strongly motivated to promote new forms of active citizenship and intercultural dialogue among young people. The city of Ramallah, located in the center of the West Bank, will be the main frame of the activities under this project for European voluntary service, involving 1 volunteer. The service will be hosted by the local association JUZOOR (hosting organization) composed of young and active trainers with extensive experience in planning, training, networking and involvement of young people in Palestine. The volunteer will be selected by the NGO CISS (sending organization) among young Sicilians with the follow profile: flexible, creative, willing to serve in Palestine, English speaker, interested and motivated in working in the field of active citizenship and non-formal education in initiatives with young people and local communities. The project will last a total of seven months, according to a division into three main phases: Activities 1. Coordination, selection and pre-departure training (two months); Activity 2. Voluntary Service in Palestine (3 months): the volunteer will be part of the local community and work will young staff of JUZOOR taking part in their activities with youth. Activity 3. Return and restitution of experience (2 months). Ramallah, where the voluntier will realize his servie, is a very vulnerable territory with a fragile economic environment, high cultural and geographical isolation, a strong level of social marginalisation. Youth rapresent the 60% of the population in Ramallah and they are the primary victims affected from this situation. Youth suffer the poverty (very high are the percentages of youth unemployment) and the lack of motivations and faith in their future. They feel of being incapable to make the difference and they have become less and less active in the community of reference. Therefore, the project and the activities planned by JUZOOR and CISS aim to promote the values of the dialogue, exchange, active citizenship, intercultural, democratic life as promoters of change. The actions taken during the service, will focus on strengthening the role of the volunteer and youth leadership and to disseminate the potentialities. From one hand, the service will have the result of involving more youth in the projects and activities of JUZOOR; from the other it will develop and increase the interpersonal competences and skills of the volunteer. The educational framework of the service will be that of the Erasmus +, supported by the development of tools for the improvement of the skills and knowledge of the volunteer. The methodologies used in the training of young volunteers and activities with young people of Palestinian communities, will be informal but respectful of the local culture; they will work on team building and mutual understanding. Skills assesment and individual interviews are foreseen for the voluntary during the whole service. The project will impact on the host community of Ramallah and the close local communities (Jerusalem, Nablus, Tulkarem, Qalqilya, Jenin, Hebron, Bethlehem and their rural areas) that will benefit from the actions. The dissemination activities, addressed to Italian and Palestinian youth, will allow a further extension of the enhancement of the volunteers, a strengthening of activities of youth mobility, greater knowledge of the Erasmus + and its potential, and about the situation of young people in Palestine both in hosting and sending territories.

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