Search for European Projects

Partenariats européens et Innovations technologiques au service de la pédagogie
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school has been involved in European projects for many years. We must also point ou that the Lycée le Dantec is also involved in bilateral cooperation. The lycée is located in a very specific area according to research and industrial activities. We have the great opportunity to have Orange Labs, and Alcatel Lucent premises and many others companies very closed to the lycee. It is at least the historical reason why added to basic and general education, our school developped trainings in ICT for many years. However, and even though many activities have been developped with European countries, (United Kingdon, Germany, Spain, Poland, ... for the most important ones and for linguistic purposes). We need to support changes in learning and teaching practices. We have come to a new step. The question is now to allow the best conditions to introduce ICT as essential parts of our courses with a European orientation. We aim to achieve a team of teachers able to explore lots of possibilities to network and share professional experience with colleagues from all over Europe. We beleive these teachers will be recognized as experts and will encourage their collegues. The size of the lycée should allow it. (about 2000 learners and about 300 people working on premises - about 200 teachers : general training and vocational). The managing team should also acquire within the 2 coming years a sound knowledge of the Erasmus Programms, how to manage and how to give a strong guidance to the priorities in order to make it coherent and to be able to measure the impact of the different activities.

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