Part of Europe
Start date: Jul 20, 2014,
End date: Jul 19, 2016
Part of Europe is project by seven partners from South-East Europe and Germany. It is series of three ten-days youth exchanges, where each time different 35 young adults come together to learn more about European integration, the power of non-formal education and the role of civil society in Europe, hence 115 young adults will paticipate directly. Part of Europe targets those young adults who are actively engaged in their local community but so far did not have the opportunity to experience an international exchange of young people nor had the chance to make experiences abroad besides holiday trips. It targets young adults that sense the limitation of national discourses and it wants to empower them to thing and act beyond their national boarders and to overcome discourses and feelings fed by prejudices and conflicts among different groups, that are more evident in SEE than elsewhere. Part of Europe is a contribution to the political dimension of the European integration process and breaks it down to a personalised and and hands-on experience. The activities of the Part of Europe, such a lectures, working groups, excursions, role plays and others will apply highly interactive and participants-centred methods exploiting the collective intelligence of these young adults and invited experts to work on topics such as European identity, accession process, collective leadership, non-profit strategies and others. Part of Europe is designed in a open and collaborative process involving all partners and participants, it is facilitated by external moderators and allows for the integratation of participants' and partners' interests and visions. Both the management and the youth exchange itself are based on the principles of non-hierarchy, interactive methods, trust and transparency, and as process-oriented and reflective undertaking Part of Europe guarantees a high level of quality concerning the knowledge and experiences participants gain during the exchange. As result, participants will have a set of tools, knowledge and methods at their hand to have a greater impact in their local community, to live up to the ideals of European citizenship and to exploit the opportunities the EU and international partnerships offer. Most important outputs will be individual guidelines/learning journals that are self-developed by participants to document their learnings about the EU, the applied methods of the exchange, strategies of international partnerships and collective leadership. With that, Part of Europe aims to create also an impact on the local community in which the participants of the youth exchange act as multiplicator relying the gain gained knowledge and produces outputs.