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paration of Border Road in Szigetvár (Preparation of Border Road in Szigetvár)

The goal was to prepare technical documentation and studies for the section of state road no. 67, from Szigetvar to the border, in the region close to the Hungarian-Croatian state border. This would increase accessibility and recognition of the micro-region surrounding the cities of Szigetvar and Sellye. The construction of the state road will also serve relevant authorities as a set location for the new border crossing, thus opening a new route, besides the Barcs and Dravaszabolcs crossings, and connecting the new road to the traffic network on the Croatian side of the border Achievements: The study, which was developed as part of the project, contains detailed technical, economic and environmental data about the best suitable route for the no. 67 state road, from Szigetvar to the border, as well as technical details for construction. The informational material, alongside the new road plans, also contains an implementation flowchart and annexes undelining the importance of road traffic infrastructure for this cross-border area.
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  • 75%   204 843,64
  • 2000 - 2006 Slovenia - Hungary - Croatia (SI-HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

3 Partners Participants