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Paradigmaváltás az energia- és építőipari szakmák oktatásában
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project running under the title „Paradigm Shift in the Teaching of Energy and Construction Industry Trades” was launched to serve as an aid for trade school education: to highlight and summarise the skills and knowledge related to such trades internationally, in the EU and in Hungary, for experts practicing these trades. The further training course held between 26 February 2016 – 3 March 2016 was funded from the Erasmus+ Programme. The Programme makes a major contribution to the organisation of successful professional training courses, the alignment of course curriculum contents to EU requirements, the fortification of cooperation between organisations involved in vocational training and the implementation of innovative methods in Hungary. One of the aims was the support the spreading of so-called passive houses through awareness-raising in both theoretical and practical training and in practical implementation. The Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a public body with a county power and an extensive network of connections with business organisations and institutions (trade schools, colleges, trade unions). As such, it is the most suitable organisation for the comprehensive development of vocational training on the basis of an extensive network of connections. Our aims are to support the achievement of our partners’ goals and to develop the contents of vocational training so that they comply with national as well as EU and international strategic aims. The one-week further training, which was organised in the form of a study trip for 25 experts in the construction industry, was implemented with the cooperation of the Dresden Chamber of Crafts as the host institute, based on a preliminarily compiled program whose elements were selected by the trip group members. Program parts included a visit to the province’s largest construction fair held in Dresden and the permanent sample house exhibition. Participants in the study trip were teachers/experts from the vocational school, from practical training sites, from the College of Szolnok (a leader in R&D activities), from the County Chamber of Architects and the Chamber’s vocational training employees. In his report about the study trip, one of the experts wrote the following: “The people who comprised the trip group and their professional knowledge enabled us to monitor the entire technological process of the construction of passive houses through the eyes of an expert. Besides architects and bricklayers, building services engineering experts (electricians, joiners, carpenters) and even security experts were delegated to the group. The proportion of representatives of the business sector and of schools was nearly 50-50 %. We excellently complemented and supported each other.” Erasmus+ Vocational Training Conference on 19 May 2016: organised as the closing event of the project, the conference provided up-to-date professional knowledge for an audience of professionals through a forum/presentation designed for those working in the construction industry, as well as knowledge about the project’s aim and contents for the largest possible audience. Project sponsors included all of the region’s vocational schools, training sites participating in practical training, the College of Szolnok and the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Chamber of Architects. The desired long-term results of the project are the renewal of buildings to improve their energy efficiency and the construction of energy efficient new homes: these are the ways to improve the general level of energy efficiency at the lowest costs and with the most benefits – which supports the reduction of energy dependence and the achievement of environment protection related goals.

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