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Palcem po mapie - droga do celu
Start date: Mar 31, 2015, End date: Aug 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Finger on the map - the route to a goal's is a project carried out by the volunteers of the organizations Polish Foundation for Sport and Culture and The Union of Poles "White Eagle", which aim is to inspire and stimulate the creative activity of children and young people from different social environments. The project is addressed to children and young people from orphanages on Polish territory and Ukrainian territory. As part of the project in order to integrate and education will prepare workshop of travelling, during which we will learn together the world around us, other cultures, languages and traditions. We also will organize meetings with travelers and representatives of other cultures, which show that the most we learn from another person through the exchange of experiences and knowledge. No matter the colour, religion, economic status. Guests will encourage children and youth to learn about other countries and foreign language learning which facilitates contact with people of other nationalities and cultures. In the lifetime of the project will be youth exchanges, during which there will be a joint workshops with project participants - children and youth at risk socially. During these activities the youth of Ukraine and Polish will use the known methods of working with young people with fewer opportunities. The theme of the workshop will be traveling to Europe and European values. The final result of the project will be a joint organization of games of urban and exhibition of works created by children. The participants of the project will be two groups: 1) children and young people at risk of social exclusion from orphanages, childcare centers and special schools. This group represents 200 people of Polish and Ukrainian, 100 people from each country at the age of 9-18 years. 2) volunteers- youth of the Polish Foundation for Sport and Culture The Union of Poles "White Eagleand involved in the project. This group comprises 32 people, and 16 people from each organization, at the age of 17-25 years. Each group will have the two leaders. Preparation and implementation of the project will allow the project participants in shaping and building group bonds, creating a single unit, under which they will jointly develop competence in teamwork. In addition, the project participants will increase their knowledge about Europe, European values. They will learn to use information technologies and thus develop their communication skills. Exchange of experiences and good practices in the field of methods of working with children with fewer opportunities will encourage participants to continue to participate in the pro-social activities. Involvement of young people from different backgrounds and countries will be the real lesson of tolerance. The organizations participating in this project will gain inspiration to work with young people will gain a network of contacts, to exchange experiences and good practices on non-formal education methods, which in the future may result in another project in this regard. Moreover, by promoting the idea of volunteering, will acquire new volunteers who desire to engage in social activities. Children and young people are involved in this project will open up to the world, to new knowledge and learning foreign languages, which definitely help her in establishing contacts. Participation in workshops and independent search for knowledge about European countries, deepen knowledge of Europe. Takes place just broaden the knowledge about the contents of the natural, cultural, economic and social. Getting to know during the workshop different cultures and countries will allow them to learn and understand. Among the groups that come to bolster self-esteem, as the fruit of her labor will be registered resources presented during the annual exhibition at the Polish Foundation for Sport and Culture and events organized by it. The organization of the exhibition will be an opportunity to establish cooperation with other organizations that promote non-formal education based on culture, travel and sport.

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