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Oyunlarla Avrupa Birliði / European Union With The Games
Start date: Sep 1, 2011,

2 volunteers who are from Italy and Czech Republic will come to Diyarbakýr for 6 months; in Sümerpark where is founded in order to ensure social and economic integration to be able to work for disadvantaged children and people. There are Drama, Music, Drawing Courses, Local Democracy Academy and IT Academy in our campus and the volunteers will participate the courses and follow up them and also will help to registration, preparing exams for people. They will share their experiences in non-formal education field with disadvantage children. The volunteers are qualified in drawing, playing games and instruments and singing. Children will learn as having fun. They will make international contacts between our organization and European organizations, to translate our activities to present them. However, he will help and share their experience with the people who want to participate an Action 2 project. We will organize all of our local, national and international conferences, panel, festivals get together. He will involve the Local Democracy Academy project which is supported by Sabancý Foundation and will be trainer of this project. Furthermore, we will train them about NGO's, Volunteers Management, Communication, Leadership and Project Writing. They will be able to participate founding of local youth councils and meeting with local authorities.
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2 Partners Participants