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Overcoming Barriers – Lublin – Zamość – Włodawa – Brest Partnership for the Activation of the Disabled 2012-2013 (IPBU.03.01.00-06-655/11)
Start date: Jan 31, 2014, End date: Feb 27, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The improvement of cross-border cooperation potentials on the local and regional levels, development of institutional cooperation and exchange of experiences between partner non-profit organisations. 1. Increase of the transfer of knowledge, rehabilitation experience, informational and practical skills between Lublin Forum of the Organizations of Disabled People – Voivodeship Seym in Lublin and Brest Regional Youth Public Association The Disabled and the Environment in Brest.2. Increasing of access to integrated rehabilitation-and-education, information-and- advisory activities for the people with disabilities, their carers and for social environment in Lublin Region and Brest Oblast. 3. The development of the network of social infrastructure by creating a network of four multi-profile information and advisory points for people with disabilities in Lublin Region and Brest Oblast. Expected Results: 16 informational materials in press (8 in Poland, 8 in Belarus);50 broadcasts in local radio in Poland;2 documentaries on regional TV (1 in Poland and 1 in Belarus);2000 leaflets (1000 in Poland, 1000 in Belarus);300 informational posters.26 participants (13from Poland, 13 from Belarus)100 participants (16 from Poland, 84 from Belarus)16 participants (8 from Poland, 8 from Belarus) 64 participants (16from Poland, 48 from Belarus) 80 participants (20 from Poland, 60 from Belarus) 500 copies of the mapNumber of centers – 3 in Poland, 1 in Belarus4 sets of equipment2 set of equipment

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  • 90%   246 625,20
  • 2007 - 2013 Poland-Belarus-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants